Ma, J., Hsiao, C.-T., and Chahine, G.L. "Shared-Memory Parallelization for Two-Way Coupled Euler-Lagrange Modeling of Bubbly Flows", To be presented at Presented at the ASME 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and 11th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, Chicago, IL, August 3-7, 2014
Hsiao, C.T., Choi, J.-K., Singh, S., Chahine, G.L., Hay, T., Iliniskii, Y., Zabolotskaya, E., Hamilton, M., Sankin, G., Yuan, F., Piech, D. and Zhong, P., "Modelling Single and Tandem Bubble Dynamics Between Two Parallel Plates for Biomedical Applications ", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 716, 137-170, Feb., 2013.
Singh, S., Choi, J.-K. and Chahine, G.L. "Dynamics of a Cylindrical Bubble between Two Parallel Plates for Biomedical Applications", APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 18-22, 2013.
Hsiao, C.-T. and Chahine, G.L., "Breakup of Finite Thickness Viscous Shell Microbubbles by Ultrasound: A Simplified Zero Thickness Shell Model", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133, Apr., 2013.
Wu, X. and Chahine, G.L. "Development of a DynaSwirl® Phase Separator for Space Applications", 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Nashville, TN, Jan. 9-12, 2012.
Lu, X., Chahine, G.L. and Hsiao, C.-T., "Stability Analysis of Ultrasound Thick-Shell Contrast Agents", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131, 24-34, Jan., 2012.
Loraine, G., Chahine, G.L., Jayaprakash, A. and Weber, M., "Extraction of Bio-Products from Algae in Water Using DynaJets®", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M11050-NOAA-1, Mar. 20, 2012.
Chahine, G.L. and Hsiao, C.-T., "Modeling Microbubble Dynamics in Biomedical Applications", Journal of Hydrodynamics 24, 169-183, Apr., 2012.
Hay, T., Ilinskii, Y., Zobolotskaya, E., Hamilton, M., Hsiao, C.-T., Choi, J.-K., Singh, S., Chahine, G.L., Sankin, G., Yuan, F., Piech, D. and Zhong, P. "Modeling the Interaction of Tandem Bubbles for Biomedical Applications", Acoustical Conference and Exhibition, Hong Kong, Japan, May 13-18, 2012.
Chahine, G.L. and Wu, X., "DynaSwirl® Gas-Liquid Separator Annual Report", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M9014-NASA-4, Jul. 2, 2012.
Loraine, G., Chahine, G.L. and Weber, M., "Extraction of Lipids from Algae and Collection by Foam Fractionation", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M11028-NSF-2, Jul. 30, 2012.
Hsiao, C.-T. and Chahine, G.L., "3D Modeling of the Dynamics of Therapeutic Ultrasound Contrast Agents - Phase II - Final Report", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M9018-NIH-1, Aug. 21, 2012.
Singh, S. "Interactive Educational Tool for Simulation and Visualization of Fluid Flows", AIAA Region I Young Professional, Student and Education Conference, JHU/APL, Laurel, MD, Nov. 2, 2012.
Jayaprakash, A. "Numerical Simulation of Bubble Flow Interactions", AIAA Region I Young Professional, Student and Education Conference, JHU/APL, Laurel, MD, Nov. 2, 2012.
Hsiao, C.-T. and Chahine, G.L. "Dynamic Response of a Composite Propeller blade Subjected to Shock and Bubble Pressure Loading", 83rd Shock and Vibration Symposium, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 4-8, 2012.
Wu, X., Loraine, G. and Chahine, G.L. "Reduced Gravity Tests of a DynaSwirl® Phase Separator for Space Applications", ASGSR, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 28 - Dec. 2, 2012.
Choi, J.K. and Coleman, E., "Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Tests on Composite Materials", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M11010-YSU-1, Feb. 14, 2011.
Chahine, G.L. and Hsiao, C.-T. "Modelling Microbubble Dynamics in Biomedical Applications", Cavitation: Turbo-machinery & Medical Applications WIMRC Forum 2011, Warwick University, UK, Apr. 4-6, 2011.
Chahine, G.L. and Wu, X., "DynaSwirl® Gas Liquid Separator Annual Report", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M9014-NASA-3, Jul. 12, 2011.
Garnier, R. "Study of Bubble Generator", Dynaflow, Inc. Student Report 6.003-37, Aug. 26,2011.
Futrzysnki, R. "Study of a Bubble Generator", Dynaflow, Inc. Student Report 6.003-40, Aug. 26,2011.
Loraine, G., Chahine, G.L., Choi, J.-K. and Hsiao, C.-T. "Disinfection and Oxidation using Submerged Cavitating Jets (DynaJets® )", American Water Works Association - Annual Conference and Exposition, Washington, DC, Nov. 14, 2011.
Chahine, G.L., Choi, J.-K., Hsiao, C.-T., Jayaprakash, A. and Singh, S., "Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Some Aspect of the Macondo Well Accident", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M11036-Weatherford-Macondo-1, Dec. 2, 2011.
Hsiao, C.T. and Chahine, G.L., "Therapeutic Ultrasound Contrast Agent Dynamics Modeling: Phase II - Grant Progress Report", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M9018-NIH-1, Apr. 26, 2010.
Hsiao, C.-T. and Chahine, G.L. "Numerical Modeling of Non-Spherical Response of Therapeutic Encapsulated Microbubbles to Ultrasound", ISTU 2010, Tokyo Japan, Jun. 9-12, 2010.
Choi, J.-K. and Chahine, G.L., "Paint Sludge Separation Using Enhanced Cross-Flow Filtration", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M9028-NSF-2, Dec. 31, 2010.
Hsiao, C.-T., Lu, X. and Chahine, G.L., "Three Dimensional Modeling of the Dynamics of Therapeutic Ultrasound Contrast Agent", Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 36, 2065-2079, Dec., 2010.