The 3DynaFS © viscous module solves the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using an artificial compressibility method. The solution procedure can be marched in pseudo-time to reach a steady-state solution or can use a dual time-stepping scheme to obtain a time-dependent solution. The code uses a first-order Euler implicit time-difference scheme, a third-order accurate flux-difference upwind splitting scheme for convection terms, and a second-order central differencing for the viscous terms.

Main features of 3DynaFS-Vis© are:

  • Cartesian and curvilinear coordinate systems
  • Multi-block structured grids and overset grids for complicated geometry problem
  • Dynamic grid for moving and/or deforming objects
  • Level Set method for cavities and free surface flows
  • Turbulence models including RaNS, LES and DES models for turbulent flows
  • Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (UnRANS) and Direct Navier Stokes Solution (DNSS)
  • Viscoelastic models for non-Newtonian flows
  • Overset grids
  • Parallelization with MPI and OpenMP

Rotating Grid Stationary Grid Combined Overset Grid

Moving overset grid scheme for simulation of rotating propeller flow field.

Eiffel tower

 Pressure field behind a rotating propeller with k-ε model.

Ship Waves Plunging Jet
Ship waves simulated with Level Set method.  Plunging jet simulated with Level Set method.

Rotating Grid

Cavitation suppression in tip vortex core by polymer injection.

3DynaFS-Vis© can be coupled with the Lagrangian bubble tracking module, 3DynaFS-Dsm©, to simulate two-phase bubbly flows which can be occur in many industrial, marine, chemical, energy and other applications.

Cavitation Sheet

 Cavitation sheet and bubble clouds on a hydrofoil.

Bubble Wake

 Bubble wake of a liquid plunging jet.

3DynaFS-Vis© can be coupled with the potential flow solver 3DynaFS-Bem© to model for example the dynamics of thick-shelled micro-bubbles and study shell breakup mechanism. The flow in the thick viscous shell layer is solved using 3DynaFS-Vis© , while 3DynaFS-Bem© allows modeling complicated boundary geometries and addresses non-spherical deformations.

Growth Phase Collapse Phase Shell Breakup

Highly viscous liquid in a thick shell prevents bubble from forming a reentrant jet towards the wall. Shell breakup appears to be due to drainage of the liquid shell near the wall.