The 3DynaFS© Discrete Singularities Module was developed to simulate complex flows involving particles and/or bubbles, vortices, or other singularities. It uses a Lagrangian scheme to track singular elements such as bubbles, sources, sinks, vortex elements, and dipoles.

3DynaFS-Dsm© currently includes three sub modules:

The Vortex Element and PhantomCloud®© can be coupled with 3DynaFS-BEM©.DF_MultiSap© can be used as a standalone program or can be coupled with other modules to extend their applications. DF_MultiSap© is also available as User Defined Function (UDF) for ANSYS Fluent as Discrete Bubble Model (DBM).

Ship Waves Plunging Jet
Ship waves simulated with Level Set method.   Simultation of sheet cavitaton and bubble clouds on a hydrofoil.

 Bubble entrainment in a liquid plunging jet.

Other Available Modules:

  • 3DynaFS-Comp©- Compressible Module
  • 3DynaFS-Bem© - Boundary Element Module
  • 3DynaFS-Fsi© - Fluid Structure Interaction Module
  • 3DynaFS-Vis© - Viscous Module