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Company News :

Dynaflow was published in the International Journal of Multiphase Flows
We are proud to announce that the scientists at Dynaflow have published their research work of developing a multiscale two-phase flow model for simulations of sheet and cloud cavitation in the International Journal of Multiphase Flow. The multiscale two-phase flow model is based on a coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach and is able to capture the sheet cavitation formation, development, unsteady breakup, and bubble cloud shedding on a hydrofoil. ” More Here

Dynaflow has received a US Department of Transportation SBIR award
DFI received a US Department of Transportation SBIR award to acoustically assess air void distribution in fresh concrete using its ABS ACOUSTIC BUBBLE SPECTROMETER©. A proper micro voids distribution in the concrete is essential for concrete durability during freeze-thaw cycles. The ABS will enable quality control.” More Here

Our Research Scientist Dr. Amir Mansouri is awarded the 2017 Moody Award
August 2017
Congratulations are in order for our Research Scientist Amir Mansouri, the winner of the 2017 Lewis F. Moody Award for the paper “Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) Measurement of Abrasive Microparticle Impact Speed and Angle in Both Air-Sane and Slurry Erosion Testers”. View the award Here .

Dynaflow participated in the Fifth International Symposium on Marine Propulsion in Espoo, Finland and presented the paper "Experimental and Numerical Study of Polyurea Failure under Cavitation"
June 2017
An innovative study of the cavitation erosion resistance of polymeric coatings, showing the effects of heating, was presented by DFI at the 5th International Symposium on Marine Propulsors in Helsinki with the title “Experimental and Numerical Study of Polyurea Failure under Cavitation” . Get full access Here .

Dynaflow presented some results of its R&D work on bubbly flow around propellers, at Fifth International Symposium on Marine Propulsion in Espoo, Finland. 
June 2017
Dynaflow has presented some results of its R&D work on bubbly flow around propellers in the paper “Numerical Study of the Effects of Gas Diffusion on Bubble Distribution about a Lifting Surface”, at the 5th International Symposium on Marine Propulsors, in Helsinki. Get full access Here

Dynaflow recently published the paper "An experimental study of sheet to cloud cavitation" in the journal Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science .
June 2017
Dynaflow contribution to the understanding of the phenomenon of cavitation on lifting surfaces was published in the Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science journal. You can get access to the full text of the paper using the following link.

Dynaflow was awarded a grant to research "Software for High Intensity Ultrasound Cancer Treatment
May 2017
Dynaflow has received a grant from the National Institute of Health to develop software to characterize the acoustic field in microbubble-enhanced HIFU treatment of tumors. To reduce cavitation damage, microbubbles are injected into the targeted region to promote heating. The 3DYNAFS® software will allow the prediction of acoustic bubble cloud behavior in the acoustic field accounting for both bubble-bubble and bubble-tissue interaction. This will enable medical professionals to select instrument setup parameters to optimize safe HIFU.

Dynaflow has added additional materials testing services to its existing offerings.
May 2017
Dynaflow has added additional materials testing services to its existing offerings. This includes ASTM G76 Solid Particle Impingement Erosion testing, which measures material erosion due to solid particle impact on the tested material. The particles are entrained in a gas stream and are directed onto the material at controlled angles of impact and velocities. Similar droplet erosion impact testing in water or other liquids can also be done (ASTM G73). In addition DFI has expertise in high frequency cavitation erosion (ASTM G32) and cavitating water jet erosion (ASTM G134), and Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar testing .