Dynaflow, Inc. is actively involved in developing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Inverse Problem solvers. Our tools are centered on the state-of-the-art, computationally efficient Boundary Integral, Navier Stokes Equations, asymptotic expansion methods, and Vortex Element Methods.
Our tools can address a broad range of problems related to multiphase flows, bubble dynamics, hydrodynamics and fluid/structures interactions. Some of our tools can be tailored to the customer needs.
2DFlow®© | A Potential Flow Simulation and Visualization tool for Engineers, Fluid Mechanics Students and Teachers. |
2DynaFS© | An Axisymmetric Bubble and Free Surface Hydrodynamic Interaction Modeling Tool. |
3DynaFS© | A general Computational Fluid Dynamics solver for Bubble dynamics, Cavitation, Two-phase flows, Surface waves, Ship hydrodynamics, and Fluid/structures Interactions Modeling. |
3DynaPL®© | A Post-Processor tool for 3D Free Surface and Object Representation, Color plots and 3D Data Movie Animations. |
DF_Contour®© | A Post-Processor tool for Color Contour Plots, Iso-Contours, Velocity Vectors, Shapes and Data Movie Animation. |
DynaSim© | A Ship Maneuvering Simulator for Pilots, Designers, Hydrodynamics, and System Identification. |
ABS Acoustic Bubble Spectrometer®© | An accurate Bubble Size Distribution measurement tool based on Acoustic Measurement of Sound Propagation in the Bubbly Medium. |
DynaEIT© | A User-Friendly Inverse Problem Solver for computing Electric Impedance Tomography. |
DF_Multi_SAP© | A Bubble Nuclei Dynamics and Trajectory Model for Cavitation Inception and Noise Studies. |
DF_DBMTM | A User Defined Function (UDF) for ANSYS Fluent that brings the capabilities of Dynaflow's bubble tracking and dynamics analysis code, DF_DBMTM in to the flexibility and user friendliness of Fluent. |
PhantomCloudTM | An advanced multi-bubble dynamics code used to track the dynamics and motion of bubbles interacting with one another and with a background flow field. |