Chahine, G.L., Gnanaskandan, A., Mansouri, A., and Hsiao, C-T.,, "Interatction of a cavitation bubble with a polymeric coating-scaling fluid and material dynamics" ” , International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol 112, pp. 155-169, March 2019.
Marlin, P. and Chahine G.L. "Erosion and Heating of Polyurea under Cavitating Jets. ” Wear, Vol 414-415, pp. 262-274, August 2018.
Chahine, G.L., Gnanaskandan, A. Mansouri, A., Hsiao, C-T., and Content, R. "A Material and Fluid Scaling Approach to Validate FSI Simulations of Cavitation Interaction with Polymeric Coatings ” 32nd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Hamburg, Germany, August 5 - 10, 2018.
Ma, J., Hsiao, C.-T., Chahine, G.L. “A Physics Based Multiscale Modeling of Cavitating Flows” Computer & Fluid, Vol. 145, pp. 68-84, January 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2016.12.010.
Soyama, H., Shimizu, S., Hattori, S., Choi, J.-K., Chahine, G., “Revision of Standard Test Method for Erosion of Solid Materials by Cavitating Jet”, 18th Symposium on Cavitation, Kyushu University, Japan, December 8-9, 2016.
Choi, J.-K., and Chahine, G.L. "Relationship Between Material Pitting and Cavitation Field Impulse Pressures", Wear, Vol. 352-353, pp. 42-53, April 2016.
Choi, J-K., and Chahine, G.L. " Quantitative evaluation of erosive cavitation pressure field from pits in material: fact or myth?", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 656, No. 12045, December 2015.
Choi, J-K., Hsiao, C-T. and Chahine, G.L., "Numerical Study of the Cavitating Jet and its Erosivity", WJTA 2015, New Orleans,LA, November 2-4, 2015.
Chahine, G.L., Hsiao, C-T. Kapahi, A. and Choi, J-K. "Coupling Bubble and Material Dynamics to Model Cavitation Peening and Pitting", ICFD 2015, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, October 27-29, 2015.
Chahine, G.L. and Hsiao, C-T. "Modelling Cavitation Erosion using Fluid - Material Interaction Simulation", Interface Focus 5: 20150016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsfs.2015.0016.
Choi, J-K. and Chahine, G.L. "Experimental and Numerical Study of Cavitation Erosion Resistance of a Polyurea Coating Layer", 4th International Symposium on Marine Propulsors, Austin, TX, May 31 - June 4, 2015.
Wu, X., Choi, J-K., and Chahine, G.L., "Effect of Nozzle Type on the Performance of Bubble Augmented Waterjet Propulsion", 4th International Symposium on Marine Propulsors, Austin, TX, May 31 - June 4, 2015..
Chahine, G.L., Kapahi, A., Choi, J.-K., and Hsiao, C.-T. "Modeling of surface cleaning by cavitation bubble dynamics and collapse", Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, May 11, 2015.
Rai, N.K. , Kapahi, A. and Udaykumar, H.S., "Treatment of contact separation in Eulerian High Speed Multimaterial dynamic simulations", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, October 2014.
Hsiao, C.-T., Jayaprakash, A., Kapahi, A., Choi, J.-K., and Chahine, G.L. "Modeling of Material Pitting from Cavitation Bubble Collapse", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 755, pp. 142-175, September 2014.
Choi, J.-K., Jayaprakash, A., Kapahi, A., Hsiao, C.-T., and Chahine, G.L. "Relationship between Space and Time Characteristics of Cavitation Impact Pressures and Resulting Pits in Materials", Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 49, Issue 8, pp. 3034-3051, April 2014.
Chahine, G.L., Franc, J.-P., and Karimi, A. "Cavitation and Cavitation Erosion", in Kim K-H, Chahine G.L., Franc J-P, Karimi A. (eds): Advanced Experimental and Numerical Techniques for Cavitation Erosion Prediction, Chapter 1, pp 3-20, Springer, Berlin, 2014.
Chahine, G.L., Franc, J.-P., and Karimi, A. "Laboratory Testing Methods of Cavitation Erosion", in Kim K-H, Chahine G.L., Franc J-P, Karimi A. (eds): Advanced Experimental and Numerical Techniques for Cavitation Erosion Prediction, Chapter 2, pp 21-36, Springer, Berlin, 2014.
Franc, J.-P., Chahine, G.L., and Karimi, A. "Pitting and Incubation Period", in Kim K-H, Chahine G.L., Franc J-P, Karimi A. (eds): Advanced Experimental and Numerical Techniques for Cavitation Erosion Prediction, Chapter 3, pp 37-70, Springer, Berlin, 2014.
Chahine, G.L., Franc, J.-P., and Karimi, A. "Cavitation Impulsive Pressures", in Kim K-H, Chahine G.L., Franc J-P, Karimi A. (eds): Advanced Experimental and Numerical Techniques for Cavitation Erosion Prediction, Chapter 4, pp 71-96, Springer, Berlin, 2014.
Chahine, G.L., Franc, J.-P., and Karimi, A. "Mass Loss and Advanced Periods of Erosion", in Kim K-H, Chahine G.L., Franc J-P, Karimi A. (eds): Advanced Experimental and Numerical Techniques for Cavitation Erosion Prediction, Chapter 5, pp 97-122, Springer, Berlin, 2014.
Chahine, G. L. "Modeling of Cavitation Dynamics and Interaction with Material", in Kim K-H, Chahine G.L., Franc J-P, Karimi A. (eds): Advanced Experimental and Numerical Techniques for Cavitation Erosion Prediction, Chapter 6, pp 123-173, Springer, Berlin, 2014.
Chahine, G. L., Hsiao, C.-T., and Raju, R. "Scaling of Cavitation Bubble Cloud Dynamics on Propellers", in Kim K-H, Chahine G.L., Franc J-P, Karimi A. (eds): Advanced Experimental and Numerical Techniques for Cavitation Erosion Prediction, Chapter 15, pp 345-373, Springer, Berlin, 2014.
Singh, S., Choi, J.-K. and Chahine, G.L., "Characterization of Cavitation Fields from Measured Pressure Signals of Cavitating Jets and Ultrasonic Horns", Journal of Fluid Engineering, Vol. 135 (9), Jun. 2013.
Franc, J.-P., Riondet, M., Karimi, A. and Chahine, G.L., "Material and velocity effects on cavitation erosion pitting", Wear 274–275, 248-259, Jan., 2012.
Choi, J.-K., Jayaprakash, A. and Chahine, G.L., "Scaling of Cavitation Erosion Progression with Cavitation Intensity and Cavitation Source", Wear 278-279, 53-61, Mar., 2012.
Chahine, G.L., Choi, J.-K., Wu, X., Jayaprakash, A. and Aley, P., "Development of a Diver Operated Propeller Cleaning System Using Enhanced Cavitation Jets, DynaJets®", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M11052-ONR-1, Apr. 10, 2012.
Chahine, G.L., Wu, X. and Choi, J.-K., "Advanced Cavitation Erosion Tests on NRL Selected Coatings", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M11038-Excet-NRL-1, May 29, 2012.
Loraine, G., Chahine, G.L., Hsiao, C.-T. and Aley, P., "Disinfection of Gram Negative and Gram-Positive Bacterial using DynaJets® Hydrodynamic Cavitating Jets", Ultrasonics and Sonochemistry 19, 710-717, May, 2012.
Loraine, G., Chahine, G.L., Raju, R. and Jayaprakash, A. "Application of Submerged Hydrodynamic Cavitating Jets (DynaJets®) for production of Renewable Fuels", 16th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, Jun. 18-20, 2012.
Choi, J.-K. and Aley, P., "Cavitation Erosion Tests on Two Coatings on Metallic Substrate with ASTM G32 Alternative Method", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M12030-Chesterton-1, Aug. 7, 2012.
Jayaprakash, A., Choi, J.-K., Chahine, G.L., Martin, F., Donnelly, M., Franc, J.-P. and Karimi, A., "Scaling Study of Cavitation Pitting from Cavitating Jets and Ultrasonic Horns ", Wear 296, 619-629, Aug., 2012.
Hsiao, C.-T. and Chahine, G.L. "Dynamic Response of a Composite Propeller blade Subjected to Shock and Bubble Pressure Loading", 83rd Shock and Vibration Symposium, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 4-8, 2012.
Hsiao, C.-T. and Chahine, G.L., "Effect of Gas Diffusion on Bubble Entrainment and Dynamics around a Propeller", Journal of Hydrodynamics 24, 809-822, Dec. , 2012.
Choi, J.-K. and Aley, P., "ASTM G32 Cavitation Erosion Tests on Three Coatings Materials", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2MX018-Chesterton-1, Feb. 4, 2011.
Choi, J.K. and Coleman, E., "Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Tests on Composite Materials", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M11010-YSU-1, Feb. 14, 2011.
Fourmeau, T. "Experimental and Numerical Work on Multiple Bubble Interaction", Dynaflow, Inc. Student Report 6.003-38, Aug. 26, 2011.
Loraine, G., Raju, R. and Chahine, G.L., "Improving Delignification Using DynaJets® Cavitation", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2MX001-DoE-1, Oct. 7, 2011.
Choi, J.-K. and Coleman, E., "Evaluation of EPRI Cryogenic Treatments on Four Materials by Water Droplet Impact Erosion Tests Using DynaJets®", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M11030-EPRI-1, Oct. 11, 2011.
Jayaprakash, A., Singh, S., Choi, J.-K. and Chahine, G.L. "Understanding Cavitation Intensity through Pitting and Pressure Analysis", 64th Meeting of the APS-Division of Fluid Dynamics, Baltimore, MD, Nov. 20-22, 2011.
Choi, J.-K. and Chahine, G.L., "Development of a Diver-Operated Propeller Cleaning System Using Low Energy Enhanced Cavitation Jets, DynaJets®", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M11052-ONR-1, Dec. 10, 2011.
Choi, J.-K. and Aley, P., "Cavitation Erosion Tests on Six Coatings on Metallic Substrate with ASTM G32 Alternative Method", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M11064-Chesterton-1, Dec. 14, 2011.
Franc, J.-P., Riondet, M., Karimi, A. and Chahine, G.L., "Impact Load Measurements in an Erosive Cavitating Flow", ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering 133, 121301-8, Dec., 2011.
Chahine, G.L., Choi, J.-K., Hsiao, C.-T. and Jayaprakash, A., "Assessment of the Cavitation Erosion Resistance of High Performance Propeller Coatings - RESTRICTED DISTRIBUTION VERSION", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M9003-ONR-1R, Mar. 17, 2010.
Chahine, G.L., Choi, J.-K., Hsiao, C.-T. and Jayaprakash, A., "Assessment of the Cavitation Erosion Resistance of High Performance Propeller Coatings", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M9003-ONR-2, Mar. 17, 2010.
Chahine, G.L., Raju, R. and Hsiao, C.-T., "Simulation of the Impact Pressures from Non-Spherical Bubble Collapse Near a Wall: Handback from 3DynaFS to Gemini", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M9007-NSWCIH-1, Mar. 30, 2010.
Choi, J.K., Coleman, E. and Sanchez, C., "Liquid Impact Erosion Tests (Modified ASTM G-73) on Coated and Uncoated Samples for MDS-PRAD Technologies", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2MX002-MDS-1, April. 15, 2010.
Choi, J.-K., Jayaprakash, A., Mann, R., Aley, P., Sanchez, C. and Chahine, G.L., "Cavitation Erosion Resistance Evaluation of Hontek Coating Materials Using DynaJets®, ASTM G32 and Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Tests", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M9009-Hontek-1, Jul. 9, 2010.
Loraine, G., Choi, J.-K. and Chahine, G.L., "Combined Harvesting of Algae and Extraction of Oil Using DynaJets® Cavitating Jets", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M9024-DoE-1, Jul. 16, 2010.
Chahine, G.L., Choi, J.-K., Loraine, G.A. and Aley, P., "Development of a DynaSwirl Cavitating Jet Nozzle for Underwater Hull Grooming", Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M9013-NSWCCD-1, Jul. 30, 2010.
Servantie, A. "Effect of Salt Water on Cavitation Erosion and Modeling of Bubble Flows", Dynaflow, Inc. Student Report 6.003-33, Aug. 31, 2010.
Loraine, G. "Application of Submerged Hydrodynamic Cavitating Jets DynaJets® to Oxidation of Organic Compounds in Water", The 16th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air and Soil, San Diego, CA, Nov. 11-15, 2010.