
  1. Modeling & Simulation 2006 Products of the Year Winner, Scientific Computing
  2. See Write-up in Physics World
  3. See Write-up in Oil Online
  4. See Write-up in Scientific Computing World
  5. J.K. Choi, “Enhanced Analysis for High Performance Ship Hull with Air Plenums”, Dynaflow, Inc. Report 2M6034-onr-1, 2007.
  6. G. L. Chahine, C. T. Hsiao, J.K. Choi, and X. Wu, “Development of Software Tool Suite for the Prediction of Bubbly Wake Acoustic Signature of Waterjet Propelled Surface Ships (Phase I Option)”, Dynaflow, Inc. Final report 2M6024-ONR-STTR-2, 2007.
  7. G.L. Chahine, C.-T. Hsiao, J.-K. Choi, X. Wu, & A. Jain, ”Development of a Software Tool Suite for the Prediction of Bubbly Wake Acoustic Signature of WaterJet Propelled Surface Ships”, Dynaflow, Inc. Letter Final Report 2M6024-ONR, 2007.
  8. Hsiao, C. -T., Annasami, R., “Preprocessing Programs for 3DYNAFS© Hydrodynamics Version G.03 – User manual,” DYNAFLOW, INC., July 2005.
  9. Choi, J.-K., Hsiao C. -T., Chahine G. L., “Design trade-off Analysis of High Performance Ship Hull with Air Plenums,” 2nd International Symposium on Seawater Drag Reduction, Busan, Korea, 23-26 May 2005.
  10. G.L. Chahine, C.-T. Hsiao, J.-K. Choi, M. Tanguay, X. Wu, R. Annasami, “A Computational Tool for Simulating Hydrodynamics Behavior of Multiple Vessels in a Harbor”, Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M2016-1-NOAA, 2004.
  11. J.-K. Choi, G.L. Chahine, “Design Trade-Off Analysis for High Performance Ship Hull with Air Plenums Option I-Stability of the Numerical Solution and Applications to Hulls with Trim and Heel”, Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M3028-2-ONR, 2004
  12. J.-K. Choi, C.-T. Hsiao, G.L. Chahine, “Design Trade-Off Analysis for High Performance Ship Hull with Air Plenums”, Dynaflow, Inc.Technical Report 2M3028-1-ONR, 2004.
  13. Choi, J.-K., Hsiao C. –T., Chahine, G.L., “Design Trade-off Analysis for High Performance Ship Hull with Air Plenums,” Report No. 2M3028-2-ONR, DYNAFLOW, INC., June. 2004.
  14. Choi, J.-K., Hsiao C. -T Chahine, G.L., “Design Trade-off Analysis for High Performance Ship Hull with Air Plenums,” Report No. 2M3028-1-ONR, DYNAFLOW, INC., Mar. 2004
  15. Chahine, G. L., Hsiao C. –T., Choi, J.-K.,, Tanguay, M., Wu, X., Annasami, R., “A Computational Tool for Simulating Hydrodynamics Behavior of Multiple Vessels in a Harbor,” Report No. 2M2016-1-NOAA, DYNAFLOW, INC., 2004.
  16. Chahine, G.L., Annasami, R., Hsiao, C.-T., Harris, G, “Scaling of the Re-Entering Jet Parameters of an Underwater Explosion Bubble below Floating and Submerged Structures,” 74th Shock and Vibration Symposium, San Diego, CA. October 27-31, 2003
  17. Chahine, G. L., Wu, X., Choi, J.- K., “Development of a PC based multi-ship maneuvering simulator for improving navigation traffic within ports and harbors,” Report No.2M2012-NOAA, DYNAFLOW, INC., January 2003.
  18. Chahine, G.L., Kalumuck, K.M., Hsiao, C.-T., “Simulation of surface piercing body coupled response to underwater bubble dynamics utilizing 3DynaFS, a three-dimensional BEM code,” Computational Mechanics, 32, no.4-6, pp. 319-326, 2003.
  19. Chahine, G.L., Choi, J.-K., “Non-spherical bubble behavior in vortex flow fields,” Computational Mechanics, 32, no.4-6, pp. 281-290, 2003.
  20. F. D’Este , G. Contento, “Time domain linear and weakly nonlinear coupled wave resistance and seakeeping computations”, Science and Supercomputing at CINECA, Report, 2003.
  21. Cheng, J.- Y., Chahine, G. L., Kalamuck, K. M., “Computation of hydrodynamic characteristics of a floating amphibious vehicle using BEM,” Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Boundary Element Technology, Orlando, Fl., 2001.
  22. Cheng, J.-Y. Chahine, G.L., “Computational hydrodynamics of animal swimming: boundary element method and three-dimensional vortex wake structure,” Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 131, pp. 51-60, 2001.
  23. Chahine, G.L., Kalumuck, K.M., “The Influence of Structural Deformation on Water Jet Impact Loading,” Journal of Fluids and Structures, 12, pp. 103-121, 1998.
  24. Chahine, G.L., Kalumuck, K.M., “BEM Software for Free Surface Flow Simulation Including Fluid-Structure Interaction Effects,” International Journal of Computer Applications for Technology, 11, pp.177-198, 1998.
  25. Chahine, G.L., “Numerical and Experimental Study of Explosion Bubble Crown Jetting Behavior,” DYNAFLOW, INC. Technical Report 96003-1, 1997.
  26. Chahine, G.L., Prabhukumar, S., and Duraiswami, R., “Bubble Dynamics Near a Cylindrical Body: 3-D Boundary Element Simulation of the ONR Snay / Goertner Bubble Benchmark Problem”, SAVIAC Proceedings of the 67th Shock and Vibration Symposium, Volume II, Monterey, CA, 1996.
  27. Chahine, G.L., “Bubble Interaction with Vortices” “Fluid Vortices”, Chapter 18, S. Green (Ed.), Kluwer Academic, 1995
  28. Chahine, G.L., and Duraiswami, R, “Boundary Element Method for Calculating 2-D and 3-D Underwater Explosion Bubble Behavior in Free Water and Near Structures,” DYNAFLOW, INC. Technical Report NSWCDD/TR-93/94, 1993.
  29. Zhang, S., Duncan, J. and Chahine, G.L., “The Final Stage of the Collapse of a Cavitation Bubble Near a Rigid Wall”, J. Fluid Mech., vol. 257, 1993
  30. Chahine, G.L., “A Numerical Model for Three-Dimensional Bubble Dynamics in Complex Geometries”, 22nd American Towing Tank Conference, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada, August 1989.
  31. Chahine, G.L. and T.O. Perdue, “Simulation of the Three-Dimensional Behavior of an Unsteady Large Bubble Near a Structure”, in “Drops and Bubbles”, edited by T.G. Wang, A.I.P. Conference Proceedings, 197, 169-187, 1989.
  32. Lewis, E. V (Ed)., “Principles of Naval Architecture,” The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1988.
  33. SBIR Award: DoC Phase I A Computational Tool for Simulating Hydrodynamic Behavior of Multiple Vessels in a Harbor
  34. SBIR Award: ONR Phase I Design Trade-off Analysis for High Performance Ship Hull with Air Plenums
  35. SBIR Award: NSWC Phase I Development of a Non-Explosive Ship Shock Testing System

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