Dynaflow, Inc. is actively engaged in the development and utilization of models and simulations of a range of fluid dynamics phenomena. Dynaflow seeks to develop and utilize the best tool for a given problem. The strength of our modeling and simulation efforts is that they are based on the underlying physics of the phenomena. Our modeling and simulating efforts include:

Computational Fluid Dynamics codes for 2 and 3-D free surface nonlinear large deformation flows such as those due to cavitation, shallow water waves including breaking, and the interaction of vehicles and structures with these flows.

Combined Analytical/Numerical Models utilizing techniques such as asymptotic expansions which are subsequently numerically evaluated for multi-bubble and bubble/vortex interactions in multiphase media.

Ship Hydrodynamic and Maneuvering Simulation: Dynaflow has developed a PC based ship maneuvering simulator, DynaSim©, to enable accurate simulation of ship maneuvering under a variety of environmental conditions including wind, waves, current, confined channel and shallow bottom effects. Our CFD code 3DynaFS© is often utilized off-line to determine simplified relations and coefficients to incorporate into DynaSim© for real time simulation.

Optimization and Inverse Methods are utilized in conjunction with a model of physical phenomena for inferring characteristics of a medium based on the effects of the medium on signals that are sent through it. Bubble distributions are inferred from the effects on acoustic waves using the ABS Acoustic Bubble Spectrometer®©. The composition of a medium is determined by a set of electrical currents and voltages on its boundaries using DynaEIT©.

We often validate the models we develop utilizing our extensive laboratory and flow visualization facilities. This enables refinement of these models to achieve high accuracy as well as an understanding of their limitations.