Authors Year Paper/Presentation Title Reference
G.L. Chahine 2010 Spark Generated Bubbles for UNDEX Scaling 81st Shock and Vibration Symposium, Orlando, FL
Z. Liu, W. Xie and Y.L. Young 2009 Numerical modeling of complex interactions between underwater shocks and composite structures Computational Mechanics, 43, pp. 239-251, 2009.
Z. Liu, Y.L. Young, M. R. Motley, and W. Xie 2008 Transient Response of Submerged Composite Structures Subject to Underwater Explosions Proceedings of 27th ONR NH 2008 Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Seoul, Korea, October 2008
W. Xie, T. Liu, and Y.L. Young 2008 The Effect of Surface Curvature on UNDEX-Induced Hull Cavitation 2th International Symposium on Physics of Fluids, China, June 9-12, 2008.
C.-T. Hsiao and G.L. Chahine 2006 Effect of Unsteady Turbulent Fluctuations on Vortex/Vortex/Nuclei Interaction 26th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Rome, Italy, September 17-22, 2006
C.-T. Hsiao and G.L. Chahine
Effect of Unsteady Turbulent Fluctuations on Vortex/Vortex/Nuclei Interaction 26th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Rome, Italy, September 17-22, 2006
G.L. Chahine, J. Krieger
Acoustic Signals of Underwater Explosions Near Surfaces Journal Acoustic Society of America, Vol.118, pp. 2961-2974
G.L. Chahine, J. Krieger
Acoustic Signals of Underwater Explosions Near Surfaces Journal of Intelligence Community Research and Development
G.L. Chahine,
K.M. Kalumuck,
C.-T. Hsiao
Simulation of Surface Piercing Body Coupled Response to Underwater Bubble Dynamics Utilizing 3DynaFS, a Three-Dimensional BEM Code Computational Mechanics, Vol. 32, No. 4-6, pp. 319-326
G. L. Chahine
Numerical Studies of the Interaction of Multiple Underwater Explosion Bubble 73rd Shock & Vibration - Limited Session
G.L. Chahine,
K.M. Kalumuck,
C.-T. Hsiao
Simulation of Surface Piercing Body Coupled Response to Underwater Bubble Dynamics Utilizing 3DYNAFS, a Three-Dimensional BEM Code IABEM 2002, International Association for Boundary Element Methods, Austin, TX, May 28-30, 2002
N.A. Gumerov,
G.L. Chahine
An Inverse Method for the Acoustic Detection, Localization and Determination of the Shape Evolution of a Bubble IOP Publishing Ltd., Vol. 16, pp. 1741-1760
G.L. Chahine,
S. Prabhukumar
Bubble Dynamics Near a Cylindrical Body: 3D Boundary Element Simulation of the ONR Snay/Goertner Bubble Benchmark Problems SAVIAC Critical Technologies in Shock and Vibration
G.L. Chahine,
K.M. Kalumuck
The Influence of Structural Deformation on Water Jet Impact Loading Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 12, pp. 103- 121
G.L. Chahine,
K.M. Kalumuck
BEM Software for Free Surface Flow Simulation Including Fluid-Structure Interaction Effects International Journal of Computer Applications for Technology, Vol. 11, pp.177-198
G.L. Chahine
Coupling of Validated Specialized Codes to Study Undex Bubble Loadings Workshop on Simulation of UNDEX Phenomena, DRA, Dumfermline, Scotland
G.L. Chahine,
K.M. Kalumuck
The Influence of Structural Deformation of Water Jet Impact Loading Structure Under Extreme Loading Conditions Symposium, ASME PVP Conference, Vol. 12, pp. 103- 121, Orlando, FL
G.L. Chahine, G.H. Harris
Development and Validation of a Multicycle Bubble Model for Explosion Applications 68th Shock Vibration Symposium, Hunt Valley, Maryland
G.L. Chahine,
S. Prabhukumar,
R. Duraiswami
Bubble Dynamics near a Cylindrical Body: 3-D Boundary Element Simulation of the ONR/SNAY Goertner Bubble Benchmark Problems 67th Shock & Vibration Symposium, Vol. 2, San Diego, CA
K.M. Kalumuck,
R. Duraiswami,
G.L. Chahine
Bubble Dynamics Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation by Coupling Fluid BEM and Structural FEM Codes Journals of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 9, pp. 861-883
K.M. Kalumuck,
G.L. Chahine,
R. Duraiswami
Analysis of the Response of a Deformable Structure to Underwater Explosion Bubble Loading Using a Fully Coupled Fluid-Structure Interaction Procedure 66th Shock & Vibration Symposium, Vol. 2, pp. 277-286, Biloxi, MS
G.L. Chahine,
G.S. Frederick,
C.J. Lambrecht,
G.S. Harris, H.U. Mair
Spark Generated Bubbles as Laboratory-Scale Models of Underwater Explosions and their use for Validation of Simulation Tools 66th Shock & Vibration Symposium, Vol. 2, pp. 265-276, Biloxi, MS
G. L. Chahine, S. Zhang,
J. Ducan
The Final Stage of Bubble Collapse Near a Rigid Wall Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 257, pp. 147-181
G.L. Chahine,
K.M. Kalumuck,
R. Duraiswami
Coupling of a Fluids BEM Code with a Structured FEM Code for Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation Proceedings of the 15th Boundary Element International Conference, Vol. 2, Worchester, MA
G.L. Chahine,
K.M. Kalumuck,
R. Duraiswami
Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation of Bubble Dynamics by Coupling Fluid BEM and Structural FEM Codes 4th ASME International Symposium on Bubble Noise and Cavitation Erosion in Fluid Systems, New Orleans, LA
G.L. Chahine, T.O. Perdue
Simulation of the Three-Dimensional Behavior of an Unsteady Large Bubble Near a Structure 3rd International Colloquium on Drops and Bubble Monterey CA - AIP Conf. Proceedings 197 (Ed.) T.G., Vol. 197
G.L. Chahine, T.O. Perdue
A Theoretical Study of the Interaction Between an Underwater Explosion and a Nearby Structure
APS 40th Anniversary Meeting, Eugene, Oregon
G.L. Chahine, C.R. Sirian
Collapse of a Simulated Multibubble System ASME Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Albuquerque, New Mexico
J. S. Darrozes, G.L. Chahine
Les Recherches sur le Phénomène de Cavitation Effectuées à L'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées
Sciences et Techniques de L'Armement, Memorial de I'Artillerie Francaise 1er Fascicule, pp. 11-183
G.L. Chahine, K.M. Kalumuck
Experimental and Asymptotic Study of Nonspherical Bubble Collapse
Applied Scientific Research, Vol. 38, pp. 187-197
G.L. Chahine, K.M. Kalumuck, C.-T. Hsiao
Etude Asymptotique de l'Interaction d'une Bulle Oscillante avec une Surface Libre Voisine
Journal de Mechanique, Vol. 20 No. 3, pp. 537-556
G.L. Chahine, A. Bovis
Oscillation and Collapse of a Cavitation Bubble in the Vicinity of a Two-Liquid Interface Cavitation and Inhomogeneities in Underwater Acoustics, Springer-Verlag ed. New York, pp. 23-29
G.L. Chahine, A. Bovis
Asymptotic Study of the Non-Spherical Collapse of a Bubble Near a Solid Wall ASME Cavitation and Polyphase Flow Forum; pp. 14-18, New Orleans, LO
G.L. Chahine, A. K. Morine
Collapse d'une Bulle de Cavitation entre Deux Parois Solides Proceedings of the 4th international meeting on water column separation, IAHR, Cagliari, Italy
G.L. Chahine
Collapse d'une Bulle de Cavitation entre Deux Parois Solides Proceedings of the 4th international meeting on water column separation, IAHR, pp. 123-135, Cagliari, Italy