Authors | Year | Manual Title | Reference |
G. Loraine, G.L. Chahine, J-K. Choi, C-T. Hsiao |
2011 |
Disinfection and Oxidation using Submerged Cavitating Jets | American Water Works Association - Annual Conference and Exposition, Washington, DC, June 2011 |
G. Loraine |
2010 |
Application of Submerged Hydrodynamic Cavitating Jets DynaJets to Oxidation of Organic Compounds in Water | The 16th Internaltional Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water Air and Soil, San Diego, CA |
G.L. Chahine |
2010 |
Engineering Rules for Bubble Jet/Dam Interaction | 81st Shock and Vibration Symposium, Orlando, FL 24-28, 2010 |
S. Singh, J-K. Choi and G.L. Chahine |
2010 |
Optimum Configuration of an Expanding Contracting Nozzle for Thrust Enhancement by Bubble Injection | Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Nov. 12-18, 2010 |
L. Ukeiley, C. Tinney, R. Mann and M. Glauser |
2007 |
Spatial Correlations in a Transonic Jet | AIAA Journal, Volume 45, No. 6, pp 1357-1369 |
D. W. Raymond, J. W. Grossman, G.L. Chahine, K. Glass, A. Black, and K. Bertagnolli |
2006 |
Development and Testing of a PDC Bit with Passively-Pulsating Cavitating Nozzles | Proceedings Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting 2006 |
K.M. Kalumuck, G.L. Chahine, J.-K. Choi, C.-T. Hsiao |
2003 |
Remediation and Disinfection of Water Using Jet Generated Cavitation | Fifth International Symposium on Cavitation CAV2003 Osaka, Japan, November 1-4, 2003. |
K.M. Kalumuck, G.L. Chahine |
2001 |
The Use of Cavitating Jets to Oxidize Organic Compounds in Water | 4th International Symposium on Cavitation, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, June 20-23, 2001 |
K.M. Kalumuck. G.L. Chahine |
2000 |
The Use of Cavitating Jets to Oxidize Organic Compounds in Water | ASME: Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 122, pp. 465-470 |
G.L. Chahine, K.M. Kalumuck, G.S. Frederick, P.D. Aley |
1999 |
Development of High Erosivity Cavitating and Acoustically Enhanced Water Jets for Well Scale Removal | 10th American Water Jet Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 769-784, Houston, TX |
K.M. Kalumuck, G.L. Chahine |
1998 |
The Use of Cavitating Jets to Oxidize Organic Compounds in Water | ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 112, pp. 465-470 |
G.L. Chahine, K.M. Kalumuck |
1998 |
The Influence of Structural Deformation on Water Jet Impact Loading | Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 12, pp. 103- 121 |
K.M. Kalumuck, G.L. Chahine |
1998 |
Breaking Up is Good to Do | Cleaner Times, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 56- 60 |
K.M. Kalumuck, G.L. Chahine |
1998 |
The Use of Cavitating Jets to Oxidize Organic Compounds in Water | ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Washington D.C., ASME FEDSM98-4813 |
K.M. Kalumuck, G.L. Chahine, G.S. Frederick, P. D. Aley |
1997 |
Development of a DynaJet Cavitating Water Jet Cleaning Tool for Underwater Marine Fouling Removal | Proceedings of the 9th American Water Jet Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 541- 554, Dearborn, MI |
G.L. Chahine, K.M. Kalumuck |
1997 |
The Influence of Structural Deformation of Water Jet Impact Loading | Structure Under Extreme Loading Conditions Symposium, ASME PVP Conference, Vol. 12, pp. 103- 121, Orlando, FL |
G.L. Chahine, K.M. Kalumuck, G.S. Frederick |
1995 |
The Use of Self Resonating Cavitating Water Jets for Rock Cutting | 8th American WaterJet Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 765-778, Houston, TX |
C. Alberts, C.D. Royer, W. Christopher, M. Siegel, K.M. Kalumuck |
1994 |
Multipurpose Self-Guided Robot for Surface Cleaning and Surface/NDI Quality Inspection for Use on Ships and Storage Equipment | ASME Technical Innovation Symposium, Pittsburg, PA |
K.M. Kalumuck, G.L. Chahine, G.S. Frederick. |
1993 |
The Influence of Ambient Pressure and Nozzle Shape on Submerged Water Jet Velocity and Spreading | 7th American Water Jet Technology Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 251-262, Seattle, WA |
K.M. Kalumuck, G.L. Chahine, G.S. Frederick |
1993 |
The Influence of Cavitation on Submerged Water Jet Velocity and Spreading | Proceedings of ASME Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Vol. 153, pp. 191-196, Washington, DC |
G. Chahine, K.M. Kalumuck |
1992 |
Enhancing Water Jet Erosivity While Conserving Energy and Avoiding Pollution of the Environment | Cleaner Times, pp.28-38 |
K.M. Kalumuck, G.L. Chahine |
1990 |
Cavitating Vortex Ring Formation and Dynamics | ASME Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Vol. 98, pp. 43-48, Toronto, Canada |
R. Kafesjian, D.W. Wieting, J. Ely, G.L. Chahine, G.S. Frederick, R.E. Watson |
1989 |
Characterization of the Cavitation Potential of Pyrolytic Carbon | The International Symposium on Surgery for Heart Valve Disease |
G.L. Chahine, P. Courbière |
1987 |
Noise and Erosion of Self Resonating Cavitating Jets | Journal of Fluids Engineering, December, Vol. 109 No 4, pp. 429-435 |
G.L. Chahine, K.M. Kalumuck, G.S. Frederick, R. Watson |
1987 |
Visualization Study of Structured Cavitating Jets | Proceedings of the ASME Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Vol. 50, pp. 52-55, CInc.innati, OH |
K.M. Kalumuck, G.L. Chahine, V. Johnson, G.S. Frederick, R. Watson |
1986 |
Cavitating Vortex Rings Produced by a Self-Resonating Structured Jet | Video presented at the APS Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH |
G.L. Chahine, P. Courbiere |
1986 |
Noise and Erosion of Self-Resonating Cavitating Jets | Proceedings of the 8th Jet Cutting Technology Conf., BHRA, Paper 6, Pap. 16, pp. 167-176 |
G.L. Chahine, V.E. Johnson Jr. |
1985 |
Mechanics and Applications of Self-Resonating Cavitating Jets | International Symposium on Jets & Cavities, ASME, WAM, Miami, Florida |
A.F. Conn, G.L. Chahine |
1985 |
Ship Hull Cleaning With Self-Resonating Pulsed Water Jets | Proceedings of the 3rd U.S. water Jet Conference, Pittsburg, PA |
G.L. Chahine, V.E. Johnson Jr., W.T. Lindenmuth, G.S. Frederick |
1985 |
The Use of Self-Resonating Cavitating Water Jets for Underwater Sound Generation | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 77 (1), pp. 113-126 |
G.L. Chahine, Ph. F. Genoux, H.L. Liu |
1984 |
Flow Visualization and Numerical Simulation of Cavitating Self-Oscillating Jets | 7th International Symposium on Jet Cutting Technology, pp. 13-32, Ottawa, Canada |
G.L. Chahine, Ph. Genoux |
1984 |
Simulation of the Pressure Field Due to a Submerged Oscillating Jet Impacting on a Solid Wall | Journal of Fluid Engineering, Vol. 106, pp. 491-496 |
V.E. Johnson Jr., G.L. Chahine, W.T. Lindenmuth, A.F. Conn, G.S. Frederick, G.J. Giacchino |
1984 |
Cavitating and Structured Jets for Mechanical Bits to Increase Drilling Rate Part 1: Theory and Concepts | Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 106, pp. 282-288 |
A.F. Conn, V.E. Johnson Jr., W.T. Lindenmuth, G.S. Frederick, G.L. Chahine |
1984 |
Some Unusual Applications for Cavitating Jets | 7th International Symposium on Jet Cutting Technology, pp. 1-12, Ottawa Canada |
G.L. Chahine, V.E. Johnson Jr., W.T. Lindenmuth, G.S. Frederick |
1984 |
Noise Generated by a Self-Resonating Cavitating Jet | Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, pp. 26-30, New Orleans, Louisiana |
A.F. Conn, V.E. Johnson Jr., W.T. Lindenmuth, G.S. Frederick |
1984 |
Some Industrial Applications of Cavijet Cavitating Fluid Jets | 7th International Symposium on Jet Cutting technology, pp. 1-12, Ottawa, Canada |
V.E. Johnson Jr., G.L. Chahine, W.T. Lindenmuth, A.F. Conn, G.S. Frederick, G.J. Giacchino |
1984 |
Cavitating and Structured Jets for Mechanical Bits to Increase Drilling Rate Part 2: Experimental Results | Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 106, pp. 289-294 |
G.L. Chahine, A.F. Conn, V.E. Johnson, G.S. Frederick |
1983 |
Passively Interrupted Impulsive Water Jets | 6th International Conference on Erosion by Liquid and Solid Impact Cambridge England |
W. T. Lindenmuth, G.L. Chahine |
1983 |
Application of High Speed Photography to the Study of Coherently Structured Jets | 3rd International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Ann Arbor Michigan |
G.L. Chahine, A.F. Conn, V.E. Johnson, G.S. Frederick |
1983 |
Cleaning and Cutting with Self-Resonating Pulsed Water Jets | 2nd U.S. Water Jet Conference, pp. 167-176, Rolla Missouri |
G.L. Chahine |
1982 |
Self-Oscillating Water Jets in Air | ASME Cavitation and Polyphase Flow Forum, pp. 41-45, St. Louis |
V.E. Johnson, A.F. Conn, W.T. Lindenmuth, G.L. Chahine, G.S. Frederick |
1982 |
Self-Resonating Cavitating Jets | Presented at the 6th International Symposium on Jet Cutting Technology, pp. 1-16 |
V.E. Johnson Jr., G.L. Chahine, W.T. Lindenmuth, A.F. Conn, G.S. Frederick, G.J. Giacchino |
1982 |
Cavitating and Structured Jets for Mechanical Bits to Increase Drilling Rate | The ASME Publication: 82-PET-13, pp.1-16 |
V.E. Johnson, G.L. Chahine, W.T. Lindenmuth, A.F. Conn, G.S. Frederick, G.J. Giacchino |
1982 |
The Development of Structured Cavitating Jets for Deep Hole Bits | 57th Annual Fall technical Conf. & Exhibition of the society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, New Orleans, Louisiana |
G.L. Chahine, C. Courbière, P. Garnaud |
1979 |
Correlation Between Noise and Dynamics of Cavitation Bubbles | Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Fluid Machinery, Budapest Hungary, pp. 200-210 |