Authors Year Paper/Presentation Title Reference
X. Wu and G.L. Chahine
Development of a DynaSwirl© Phase Separator for Space Applications 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 9-12, 2012, Nashville, TN
X. Wu, G.L. Chahine
Development of an Acoustic Instrument for Bubble Size Distribution Measurement Journal of Hydrodynamics, Vol 22 (5) pp 330-336, October 2010
X. Wu, G.L. Chahine
Development of an Acoustic Instrument for Bubble Size Distribution Measurement 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics,  Shanghai, China , October 11-15, 2010
G.L. Chahine, M. Tanguay, G. Loraine
Acoustic Measurements of Bubbles in Biological Tissue Journal of Hydrodynamics, Volume 21 (1),pp 47-64, February 2009
C.-T. Hsiao, G.L. Chahine,
Tip Vortex Cavitation Inception Scaling for an Open Marine Propeller 27th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics
Seoul, Korea, 5-10 October 2008
C.-T. Hsiao, M. Tanguay,  G. Loraine
Acoustic Measurements of Bubbles in Biological Tissue Cavitation: Turbo-machinery & Medical Applications, WIMRC FORUM 2008 Warwick University, UK, 7th-9th July 2008
J.K. Choi, G.L. Chaine
Modeling of Bubble Generated Noise in Tip Vortex Cavitation Inception The Journal of European Acoustics Association, volume 93, pp. 555-565
X. Wu and G. L. Chahine
Characterization of the Content of the Cavity Behind a High-Speed Supercavitating Body Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 129, pp. 136-145
C.-T. Hsiao, A. Jain, and G.L. Chahine
Effect of Gas Diffusion on Bubble Entrainment and Dynamics around a Propeller 26th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Rome, Italy, September 17-22, 2006
C.-T. Hsiao and G.L. Chahine
Effect of Unsteady Turbulent Fluctuations on Vortex/Vortex/Nuclei Interaction 26th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Rome, Italy, September 17-22, 2006
J. R. Krieger, G. L. Chahine
Acoustic signals of underwater explosions near surfaces Journal Acoustic Society of America, Vol.118, pp. 2961-2974
C.-T. Hsiao,
G.L. Chahine
Scaling of Tip Vortex Cavitation Inception Noise with a Bubble Dynamics Model Accounting for Nuclei Size Distribution Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 127, pp. 55-65
G.L. Chahine
Nuclei Effects on Cavitation Inception and Noise 25th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, St. John's, Canada
J.-K. Choi, G.L. Chahine
Noise Due to Extreme Bubble Deformation Near Inception of Tip Vortex Cavitation Physics of Fluids, Vol 16, No 7, pp. 2411-2418
J.-K. Choi, C.-T. Hsiao,
G.L. Chahine
Tip Vortex Cavitation Inception Study Using the Surface Averaged Pressure (SAP) Model Combined with a Bubble Splitting Model 25th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics-St. John's, NL, Canada, August 8-13, 2004
M. Rebow, J.-K. Choi,
G.L. Chahine,
S.L. Ceccio
Experimental Validation of BEM Code Analysis of Bubble Splitting in a Tip Vortex Flow 11th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, August 9-12, 2004.
C.-T. Hsiao,
G.L. Chahine
Numerical Study of Cavitation Inception Due to Voretx/Vortex Interaction in a Ducted Propulsor 25th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics-St. John's, NL, Canada, August 8-13, 2004
C.-T. Hsiao,
G.L. Chahine
Prediction of Tip Vortex Cavitation Inception Using Coupled Spherical and Non-Spherical Models and Navier-Stokes Computations Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol 8, No. 3, pp. 99-108
K.M. Kalumuch, G.L. Chaine, J.-K. Choi, C-T. Hsiao
Remediation and Disinfection of Water Using Jet Generated Cavitation Fifth International Symposium on Cavitation CAV2003, Osaka, Japan, November 1-4, 2003
C.-T. Hsiao,
G.L. Chahine
Effect of Vortex/Vortex Interaction on Bubble Dynamics and Cavitation Noise Fifth International Symposium on Cavitation CAV2003, Osaka, Japan, November 1-4, 2003.
G.L. Chahine,
K.M. Kalumuck
Development of a Near Real-Time Instrument for Nuclei Measurement: The ABS Acoustic Bubble Spectrometer®© 4th Joint ASME-JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, Honolulu, HI, July 6-10, 2003
C.-T Hsiao,
G. L Chahine, H. Liu
Scaling Effects on Prediction of Cavitation Inception in a Line Vortex Flow Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 125, pp. 53-60, 2003
C.-T. Hsiao,
G.L. Chahine
Scaling of Tip Vortex Cavitation Inception Noise with a Statistic Bubble Dynamics Model Accounting for Nuclei Size Distribution 4th Joint ASME-JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, Honolulu, HI, July 6-10, 2003
J.-K. Choi, G.L. Chahine, C.-T. Hsiao
Characteristics of Bubble Splitting in a Tip Vortex Flow Fifth International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2003), Osaka, Japan, November 1-4, 2003
J.-K. Choi, G.L. Chahine
Noise Due To Extreme Bubble Deformation Near Inception of Tip Vortex Cavitation 4th Joint ASME-JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, Honolulu, HI, July 6-10, 2003
G.L. Chahine
Numerical Studies of the Interaction of Multiple Underwater Explosion Bubble 73rd Shock & Vibration - Limited Session
J. R. Krieger,
G. L. Chahine
Dynamics and Acoustic Signature of Non-Spherical Underwater Explosion Bubbles 74th Shock and Vibration Symposium, San Diego, CA 10/26-31, 2003
G.L. Chahine,
K.M. Kalumuck,
C.-T. Hsiao
Simulation of Surface Piercing Body Coupled Response to Underwater Bubble Dynamics Utilizing 3DynaFS©, a Three-Dimensional BEM Code Computational Mechanics, Vol. 32, No. 4-6, pp. 319-326
G.L. Chahine, J.-K. Choi
Non-Spherical Bubble Behavior in Vortex Flow Fields Computational Mechanics, Vol. 32, No. 4-6, pp. 281-290
J.-K. Choi, G.L. Chahine
A Numerical Study on the Bubble Noise and the Tip Vortex Cavitation Inception Journal of Ship and Ocean Technology, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 13-33
J.-K. Choi, G.L. Chahine
A Numerical Study on the Bubble Noise and the Tip Vortex Cavitation Inception 8th International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Busan, Korea 9/22-25, 2003
G.L. Chahine, C.-T. Hsiao
Prediction of Vortex Cavitation Inception Using Coupled Spherical and Non-Spherical Models and UnRans Computations 24th Symposium of Naval Hydrodynamics, Fukuoka, Japan, July 8-13, 2002
G.L. Chahine
Numerical Studies of the Interaction of Multiple Underwater Explosion Bubbles 73rd Shock and Vibration Symposium, Newport RI, November 18-22, 2002
J.-K. Choi, G.L. Chahine
Non-spherical Bubble Behavior in Vortex Flow Fields IABEM 2002, International Association for Boundary Element Methods, Austin, TX, May 28-30, 2002
G.L. Chahine,
K.M. Kalumuck,
C.-T. Hsiao
Simulation of Surface Piercing Body Coupled Response to Underwater Bubble Dynamics Utilizing 3DynaFS©, a Three-Dimensional BEM Code IABEM 2002, International Association for Boundary Element Methods, Austin, TX, May 28-30, 2002
P.A . Elmore,
G.L. Chahine, H.N. Oguz
Cavity and Flow Measurements of Reproducible Bubble Entrainment Following Drop Impacts Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 31, pp. 664-673
Y. Shen, G.L. Chahine,
C.-T. Hsiao, S. Jessup
Effects of Model Size and Free Stream Nuclei on Tip Vortex Cavitation Inception Scaling 4th International Symposium on Cavitation, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, June 20-23, 2001
C.-T. Hsiao, G.L. Chahine
Numerical Simulation of Bubble Dynamics in a Vortex Flow Using Navier-Stokes Computations and Moving Chimera Grid Scheme 4th International Symposium on Cavitation, California Institute of Technology, Pasedena, CA, June 20-23, 2001
G.L. Chahine,
K.M. Kalumuck,
J.-Y. Cheng, G.S. Frederick
Validation of Bubble Distribution Measurements of the ABS Acoustic Bubble Spectrometer with High-Speed Video Photography 4th International Symposium on Cavitation, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA June 20-23, 2001
J.-Y. Cheng,
A. Goumilevski,
G.L. Chahine
A 3D Boundary Element Method Simulation of Breaking Waves on a Gentle Beach 14th Engineering Mechanics Conference EM2000, American Society of Civil Engineers, U. Texas, Austin 5/21-24/2000
G.L. Chahine,
S. Prabhukumar
Bubble Dynamics Near a Cylindrical Body: 3D Boundary Element Simulation of the ONR Snay/Goertner Bubble Benchmark Problems SAVIAC Critical Technologies in Shock and Vibration
N.A. Gumerov,
G.L. Chahine
An Inverse Method for the Acoustic Detection, Localization and Determination of the Shape Evolution of a Bubble IOP Publishing Ltd., Vol. 16, pp. 1741-1760
N.A.  Gumerov
Rectified Heat Transfer to Vapor Bubbles in Standing Acoustic Waves '99 Microgravity Fluid Physics & Heat Transfer Conference, Oahu, Hawaii
N.A. Gumerov
Determination of the Accommodation Coefficient Using Vapor/ Gas Bubble Dynamics in an Acoustic Field Proceedings of the 4th Microgravity Fluid Physics and Transport Phenomena Conference, CD-Rom Edition, Cleveland, OH
O. Boulon, G.L. Chahine
Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Cavitation 3D Hydrofoil 3rd International Symposium on Cavitation; Grenoble, France
R. Duraiswami,
S. Prabhukumar,
G.L. Chahine
Bubble Counting Using an Inverse Acoustic Scattering Method Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 104 (5), pp.2699-2717
N.A. Gumerov,
G.L. Chahine
Dynamics of Bubbles in Conditions of Gas Hydrate Formation 8th International Offshore & Polar Engineering Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 66- 72, Montreal, Canada
N.A. Gumerov
Effect of Acoustic Radiation on the Stability of Spherical Bubble Oscillations Physics of Fluids
G.L. Chahine
Coupling of a BEM Code and an UNRANS Code for Sheet to Cloud Cavitation Dynamics Simulation ONR Workshop, pp. 3-6
G.L. Chahine,
K.M. Kalumuck
BEM Software for Free Surface Flow Simulation Including Fluid-Structure Interaction Effects International Journal of Computer Applications for Technology, Vol. 11, pp.177-198
G. L. Chahine,
R. Duraiswami
Interaction Between Cavitating Bubbles and Vortical Structure 3rd International Symposium on Cavitation, Gernoble, France
G.L. Chahine,
K.M. Kalumuck,
G.S. Frederick, P.D. Aley
A Directed Energy Obstacle Clearing Device Utilizing Cavitating Vortex Rings US Navy Journal of Underwater Acoustics, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 639-653
G.L. Chahine,
R. Duraiswami
Characterization of a Liquid for its Susceptibility to Cavitation 1997 Heart Valve Conference; Bethesda, MD
G.L. Chahine
Numerical Simulation of Cavitation Dynamics Proceedings of the 2nd LAAS Conference on Computer Simulation, Beirut, Lebanon
O. Boulon, G.L. Chahine
Etude Numerique de la Cavitation sur une Aile Tridemensionnelle. Poches de Cavitation Instationnaires Effets Non Permanents et de Confinement RSTD Revue Scientifique et Technique de la Defense, Vol. 4, pp. 27-43
I. Akhatov, N.A. Gumerov, C.D. Ohl, U. Parlitz,
W. Lauterborn
The Role of Surface Tension in Stable Single Bubble Sonoluminescence Physical Review Letters, Vol. 78, pp. 227- 230
N.A. Gumerov,
G.L. Chahine
Dynamics of Cavitating Vortex Rings EUROMECH, 3rd European Fluid Mechanics Conference, DLR, Vol. 140, Goettingen, Germany
G.L. Chahine
Coupling of Validated Specialized Codes to Study Undex Bubble Loadings Workshop on Simulation of UNDEX Phenomena, DRA, Dumfermline, Scotland
G.L. Chahine, G.H. Harris
Development and Validation of a Multicycle Bubble Model for Explosion Applications 68th Shock Vibration Symposium, Hunt Valley, Maryland
S. Prabhukumar,
R. Duraiswami,
G.L. Chahine
Acoustic Measurement of Bubble Size Distributions: Theory & Experiments ASME Proceedings of the Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Vol. 1, pp. 509- 514
G.L. Chahine
Scaling of Mechanical Heart Valves for Cavitation Inception Observation and Acoustic Detection Journal of Heart Valve Disease, Vol. 5, pp. 207- 215
S. Prabhukumar,
R. Duraiswami,
G.L. Chahine
Bubble Size Measurement Using Inverse Acoustic Scattering: Theory & Experiments ASME Cavitation & Multiphase Flow Forum
G.L. Chahine,
S. Prabhukumar,
R. Duraiswami
Bubble Dynamics near a Cylindrical Body: 3-D Boundary Element Simulation of the ONR/SNAY Goertner Bubble Benchmark Problems 67th Shock & Vibration Symposium, Vol. 2, San Diego, CA
K. Sarkar, G.L. Chahine,
R. Duraiswami
Numerical Simulation of Separated Cavitation Behind a Sphere ASME Proceedings of the Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Vol. 1, pp. 479- 484
N.A. Gumerov
The Heat and Mass Transfer of a Vapor Bubble with Translatory Motion at High Nusselt Numbers International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 22, pp. 259- 272
K.M. Kalumuck,
G.L. Chahine,
R. Duraiswami
Analysis of the Response of a Deformable Structure to Underwater Explosion Bubble Loading Using a Fully Coupled Fluid-Structure Interaction Procedure 66th Shock & Vibration Symposium, Vol. 2, pp. 277-286, Biloxi, MS
G.L. Chahine
Bubble Interactions with Vortices Vortex Flows (Ed.) S. Green, Kluwer Academic, Vol. 30, pp. 783- 828
N.A. Gumerov
Collapse and Growth of Vapor Bubbles with Translatory Motion in the Thermal Regime at High Nusselt Numbers Flows with Phase Transitions EUROMECH Colloquium 331, pp. 30
G.L. Chahine,
G.S. Frederick,
C.J. Lambrecht,
G.S. Harris, H.U. Mair
Spark Generated Bubbles as Laboratory-Scale Models of Underwater Explosions and their use for Validation of Simulation Tools 66th Shock & Vibration Symposium, Vol. 2, pp. 265-276, Biloxi, MS
K. Sarkar, R. Duraiswami,
G.L. Chahine
Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Bubble-Vortical Flow Interaction ASME Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Vol. 210, pp. 135-143, Hilton Head SC
N.A. Gumerov
On Waves of the Self-induced Acoustic Transparency in Mixtures of Liquid and Vapor Bubbles IUTAM Symposium on Waves in Liquid/Gas and Liquid/Vapor Two-Phase Systems, pp. 77- 86
K.M. Kalumuck,
R. Duraiswami,
G.L. Chahine
Bubble Dynamics Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation by Coupling Fluid BEM and Structural FEM Codes Journals of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 9, pp. 861-883
G.L. Chahine.
Bubble Dynamics and Cavitation Inception in Non-Uniform Flow Fields 20th ONR Symposium Santa Barbara, CA; National Academic Press, Washington, DC
S. Zhang, J.H. Duncan,
G.L. Chahine
The Behavior of a Cavitation Bubble Near a Rigid Wall IUTAM Symposium on Bubble Dynamics & Interface Phenomena, Kluwer Academic
G. L. Chahine, S. Zhang,
J. Duncan
The Final Stage of the Collapse of a Cavitation Bubble Near a Rigid Wall Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 257, pp 147- 181
G.L. Chahine,
K.M. Kalumuck,
R. Duraiswami
Coupling of a Fluids BEM Code with a Structured FEM Code for Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation Proceedings of the 15th Boundary Element International Conference, Vol. 2, Worchester, MA
G.L. Chahine, G.S. Frederick, R. Baseman
Propeller Tip cavitation supression using Selective Polymer Injections. Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 115, pp 497-503
G.L. Chahine
Cavitation Dynamics at Microscale Level The Journal of Heart Valve Disease, Vol. 3, pp. 102-116
G.L. Chahine
Cavitation Dynamics at Microscale Level Symposium on Mechanical Heart Valve Cavitation, Miami, Fl
G. L. Chahine, S. Zhang,
J. Ducan
The Final Stage of Bubble Collapse Near a Rigid Wall Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 257, pp. 147-181
R. Duraiswami
Bubble Density Measurement Using an Inverse Acoustic Scattering Technique Proceedings of ASME Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Vol. 153, pp. 67-74, Washington, DC
G.L. Chahine,
E. Delepoule, P. Hauwert
Study of Interaction Between Bubbles and Vortical Structures Proceedings of ASME Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Vol. 153, pp. 39-46, Washington, DC
G.L. Chahine
Strong Interactions Bubble/Bubble and Bubble/Flow Interactions IUTAM Symposium on Bubble Dynamics and Interface Phenomena - United Kingdom
G.L. Chahine,
K.M. Kalumuck,
R. Duraiswami
Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation of Bubble Dynamics by Coupling Fluid BEM and Structural FEM Codes 4th ASME International Symposium on Bubble Noise and Cavitation Erosion in Fluid Systems, New Orleans, LA
R. Duraiswami,
G.L. Chahine
Analytical Study of a Gas Bubble in the Flow Field of a Line Vortex ASME Cavitation & Multiphase Flow Forum, Vol. 135, pp. 69-76, New York, New York
G.L. Chahine,
R. Duraiswami, M. Rebut
Analytical and Numerical Study of Large Bubble/Bubble and Bubble/Flow Interactions 19th ONR Symposium of Naval Hydrodynamics, Seoul S. Korea
G.L. Chahine, M. Rebut
Asymptotic Study of Bubble Dynamics in a Nonuniform Potential Flow ASME Cavitation & Multiphase Flow Forum, New York, New York
G.L. Chahine,
R. Duraiswami
Dynamical Interactions in a Multi-Bubble Cloud Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 114, No. 4, pp. 680-686
K.M. Kalumuck,
G.L. Chahine
Large Reynolds Number Cavitating Vortex Ring Propagation and Scaling ASME Cavitation & Multiphase Flow Forum, Vol. 135, pp. 55-62, Los Angeles, CA
R. Duraiswami,
G.L. Chahine
Multiple Bubble Dynamics in a Slightly Compressible Liquid: Asymptotic Analysis ICIAM, Washington, DC
G.L. Chahine
Dynamics of the Interaction of Non-Spherical Cavities Mathematical Approaches in Hydrodynamics, SIAM Publications, pp. 51- 67
G.L. Chahine
Nonspherical Bubble Dynamics in a Line Vortex ASME Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Vol. 98, pp. 121-126, Toronto, Canada
K.M. Kalumuck,
G.L. Chahine
Cavitating Vortex Ring Formation and Dynamics ASME Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Vol. 98, pp. 43-48, Toronto, Canada
G.L. Chahine
Numerical Modeling of the Dynamic Behavior of Bubbles in Nonuniform Flow Fields ASME Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Toronto, Canada
G.L. Chahine
A Numerical Model for Three-Dimensional Bubble Dynamics in Complex Flow Configurations Dynaflow, Inc Internal Technical Report 6.002-2; 22nd American Towing Conference pp. 61-67, St. Johns Newfoundland, Canada.
G.L. Chahine,
T.O. Perdue
Simulation of the Three-Dimensional Behavior of an Unsteady Large Bubble Near a Structure 3rd International Colloquium on Drops and Bubble Monterey CA - AIP Conf. Proceedings 197 (Ed.) T.G., Vol. 197
G.L. Chahine,
T.O. Perdue
A Theoretical Study of the Interaction Between an Underwater Explosion and a Nearby Structure APS 40th Anniversary Meeting, Eugene, Oregon
K.M. Kalumuck,
G.L. Chahine
The Influence of Gas Diffusion on the Growth of a Bubble Cloud Proceedings of the ASME Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Vol. 50, pp. 17-20, CInc.innati, OH
G.L. Chahine,
P. Courbière
Noise and Erosion of Self Resonating Cavitating Jets 8th Jet Cutting Technology, BHRA, Durham, England, Vol. 109 No 4, pp. 429-435
G.L. Chahine, Y. Shen
Bubble Dynamics and Cavitation Inception in Cavitation Susceptibility Meters Journal of Fluid Engineering, Vol. 108, No 4, pp. 444-453
G.L. Chahine,
P. Courbiere
Noise and Erosion of Self-Resonating Cavitating Jets Proceedings of the 8th Jet Cutting Technology Conf., BHRA, Paper 6, Pap. 16, pp. 167-176
K.M. Kalumuck,
G.L. Chahine,
V. Johnson,
G.S. Frederick,
R. Watson
Cavitating Vortex Rings Produced by a Self-Resonating Structured Jet Video presented at the APS Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH
G.L. Chahine
Cloud Cavitation and Bubble Interaction 21st American Towing Tank Conference, Washington, DC
G.L. Chahine,
V.E. Johnson Jr.
Mechanics and Applications of Self-Resonating Cavitating Jets International Symposium on Jets & Cavities, ASME, WAM, Miami, Florida
G.L. Chahine, H.L. Liu
A Singular Perturbation Theory of the Growth of a Bubble Cluster in a Superheated Liquid Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 156, pp. 257-279
G.L. Chahine,
V.E. Johnson Jr.,
W.T. Lindenmuth,
G.S. Frederick
The Use of Self-Resonating Cavitating Water Jets for Underwater Sound Generation Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 77 (1), pp. 113-126
G.L. Chahine, C.R. Sirian
Collapse of a Simulated Multibubble System ASME Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Albuquerque, New Mexico
G.L. Chahine , Ph. F. Genoux, H.L. Liu
Flow Visualization and Numerical simulation of Cavitating Self-Oscillating Jets 7th International Sumposium on Jet Cutting Technology, pp 13-32, Ottawa, Canada
G.L. Chahine
Collapsing Cavities Cloud Cavitation and Asymptotic Matching Methods Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - Summer Meeting, Seattle, Washington
G.L. Chahine , Ph. Genoux
Simulation of the Pressure Field Due to a Submerged Oscillating Jet Impacting on a Solid Wall Journal of Fluid Engineering, Vol. 106 pp. 491-496
G.L. Chahine,
V.E. Johnson Jr.,
W.T. Lindenmuth,
G.S. Frederick
Noise Generated by a Self-Resonating Cavitating Jet Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, pp. 26-30, New Orleans, Louisiana
G.L. Chahine, H.L. Liu
Collective Effects on the Growth of Vapor Bubbles in a Superheated Liquid Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 106, pp.486-491
Ph. F. Genoux,
G.L. Chahine
Collapse of a Toroidal Bubble Near a Solid Wall Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, pp. 69-72, New Orleans, Louisiana
G.L. Chahine
A Singular Perturbation Theory of Bubble Interaction and Collective Behavior Workshop on Propagation Phenomena in Bubbly Media, ONR/NAS; Rossly, VA
Ph. Genoux,
G.L. Chahine
Equilibre Statique et Dynamique d'un Tore de Vapeur Tourbillonnaire Journal de Meccanique Theorique et Apppliquee, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 829-857
J. S. Darrozes,
G.L. Chahine
Les Recherches sur le Phénomène de Cavitation Effectuées à L'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées Sciences et Techniques de L'Armement, Memorial de I'Artillerie Francaise 1er Fascicule, pp. 11-183
G.L. Chahine
Collective Bubble Growth in a Superheated Liquid Following a Sudden Depressurization 6th International Symposium on Hydraulic Transients in Power Station, Vol. 106, pp. 486-491, Gloucester, England
G.L. Chahine,
Ph. Genoux
Collapse of a Cavitating Vortex Ring Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 105, pp. 400-405
G.L. Chahine
The Application of Perturbation Theory to Growing Bubble Clusters in Superheated Liquids Physics Bulletin Institute of Physics DG790, pp.186-187
G.L. Chahine
Cloud Cavitation: Theory Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics; Ann Arbor Michigan National Academy, pp. 165-195, Washington DC
G.L. Chahine, A.G. Bovis
Pressure Field Generated by Nonspherical Bubble Collapse Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 105 No. 3, pp. 356-364
G.L. Chahine
Pressures Generated by a Bubble Cloud Collapse ASME Cavitation and Polyphase Flow Forum, pp. 27-31, St. Louis
G.L. Chahine
Experimental and Asymptotic Study of Nonspherical Bubble Collapse Applied Scientific Research, Vol. 38, pp. 187-197
G.L. Chahine
Pressure Field Generated by the Collective Collapse of Cavitation Bubbles Proceedings IAHR Symposium on Operating Problems of Pump Stations and Power Plants, pp. 2:1-2:14, Amsterdam Holland
A.G. Bovis, G.L. Chahine
Etude Asymptotique de l'Interaction d'une Bulle Oscillante avec une Surface Libre Voisine Journal de Mechanique, Vol. 20 No. 3, pp. 537-556
G.L. Chahine
An Asymptotic Theory for the Collapse of a Bubble Cloud Proceedings of the 5th International Meeting on Water Column Separation IAHR, Vol. 26 No. 9, Obermach Germany
G.L. Chahine
Asymptotic Theory of Collective Bubble Growth and Collapse Proceedings of the 5th international meeting on water column separation, Obernach, Germany
G.L. Chahine, A. Bovis
Oscillation and Collapse of a Cavitation Bubble in the Vicinity of a Two-Liquid Interface Cavitation and Inhomogeneities in Underwater Acoustics, Springer-Verlag ed. New York, pp. 23-29
A.G. Bovis, G.L. Chahine
Asymptotic Study of the Non-Spherical Collapse of a Bubble Near a Solid Wall ASME Cavitation and Polyphase Flow Forum; pp. 14-18, New Orleans, LO
G.L. Chahine, A.K. Morine
The Influence of Polymer Additives on the Collapse of a Bubble Between Two Solid Walls ASME Cavitation and Polyphase Flow Forum, pp. 7-9, New Orleans, LO
G.L. Chahine
Motion of a Bubble in a High Reynolds Number Flow 14th Biennial Fluid Dynamics Symposium, Blazejewsko Poland
G.L. Chahine, D. Cohen,
P. Ducasse, L. Ligneul
Influence d'un Revetement Elastique sur le Collapse d'une Bulle de Cavitation au Voisinage d'une Paroi solide Proceedings of the 4th International Meeting on Water Column Separation IAHR, Cagliari Italy
G.L. Chahine,
C. Courbière, P. Garnaud
Correlation Between Noise and Dynamics of Cavitation Bubbles Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Fluid Machinery, Budapest Hungary, pp. 200-210
G.L. Chahine,
D.H. Fruman
Dilute Polymer Solution Effects on Bubble Growth and Collapse Physics of Fluids, Vol. 22, No. 7, pp. 1406-1407
G.L. Chahine,
A. K. Morine
Collapse d'une Bulle de Cavitation entre Deux Parois Solides Proceedings of the 4th international meeting on water column separation, IAHR, Cagliari, Italy
G.L. Chahine
Highly Distorted Bubbles in a Stokes Flow EUROMECH 99, Jablona Poland
G.L. Chahine
Application de la Cinématographie Rapide a l'Etude de la Cavitation Proceedings 6eme Colloque National Cinematographique, pp. 45-49, Papide Paris ANRT
G.L. Chahine
Interaction Between an Oscillating Bubble and a Free Surface Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 99, pp. 709-716
G.L. Chahine
Etude Asymptotique du Comportement d'une Bulle de Cavitation dans un Champs de Pression Variable Journal de Mecanique, Vol. 15 No. 2, pp. 287-306
G.L. Chahine
Collapse d'une Bulle au Voisinage d'une Surface Libre Proceedings of the 4th International Meeting on Water Column Separation IAHR, pp. 123-135, Cagliari Italy