DFI Patents - Includes Jets' Patent
ASME International 1999 Lewis F. Moody Award
- SBIR Award: NASA Phase I
Advanced Life Support System Water Reclamation Using DynaJet Cavitating Jets
- SBIR Award: EPA Phase I
Development of a Cavitating Jet System for Removal of Pesticides and Other
Pollutants From Wastewater Discharge
- SBIR Award: EPA Phase I
Development of a DYNAJET Cavitation System for High-Rate Disinfection of
Combined Sewer Overflow
- SBIR Award: NIEH Phase I
Development of Cavitating Liquid Jets for Oxidation Remediation of
Contaminated Aquifers
- SBIR Award: NSF Phase II
Oxidation of Organic Compounds in Water with Cavitating Jets
- SBIR Award: EPA Phase II
Development of a DYNAJET Cavitation System for High-Rate Disinfection of
Combined Sewer Overflow
Journal Publications and Conference Proceedings
- Kalumuck, K., Chahine, G., Hsiao, C-T., Choi, J-K., “Remediation
and Disinfection of Water Using Jet Generated Cavitation,” 5 th
International Symposium on Cavitation - CAV2003 , Osaka , Japan , November
2003 . Paper available at the CAV2003 proceedings web site
- Moller, G., Kalumuck, K., Chahine, G., “Homogeneous
and Heterogeneous Processes in Ultrasonic and Hydrodynamic Cavitation:
Application to Treatment of Aqueous Biocides, Pesticides, and Herbicides,”
American Chemical Society National Meeting , Boston , MA , August
- Kalumuck, K., Chahine, G., “The
Use of Cavitating Jets to Oxidize Organic Compounds in Water,”
4th International Symposium on Cavitation, CAV2001, Pasadena , CA , June
- Kalumuck, K., and Chahine, G., “The
Use of Cavitating Jets to Oxidize Organic Compounds in Water,” ASME
Journal of Fluids Engineering , vol. 122, pp 465-470, September 2000.
(Also in Proceedings, ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting ,
Washington D.C., ASME FEDSM98-4813, June 1998.)
Technical Reports
- Loraine, G., Chahine, G., Hsaio, C.-T., Choi, J.-K.,
Jain, A., Aley, P., Fredrick, G. “Cavitating Jets for Aquaculture Wastewater
Treatment and Recycling”, Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report, National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration, 2M5016-NOAA-01, January, 2006.
- Chahine, G., Hsaio, C.-T., Choi, J.-K., Loraine, G.,
Fredrick, G., Aley, P., “Reduction of Chemical And Biological Contaminants
Using the DynaJets® Cavitating Jets: Post- or Pre-Treatment Systems for
Desalination”, Office of Naval Research, 2M3038-1-ONR, October 2005.
- Chahine, G., Hsiao, C.-T., Choi, .J-K., Kalumuck, K.,
Loraine, G., Aley, P., Frederick, G., “Development of a DynaJets®
Cavitation System for High Rate Disinfection of Combined Sewer Overflows”,
Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report, US Environmental Protection Agency,
2M3032-1-EPA, May 2005.
- Chahine, G., Kalumuck, K., Hsiao, C.-T., Choi, J.-K.,
Loraine, G., Aley, P. Frederick, G., “Water Reclamation using the DynaJets® Cavitating Jets for the Advanced Life Support System”, Dynaflow, Inc.
Technical Report 2M2001-1-NASA, March 2005.
- Kalumuck, K., Chahine, G., Choi, .J-K., Hsiao, C.-T.,
Aley, P., Frederick, G., “Development of Cavitating Liquid Jets for
Oxidation Remediation of Contaminated Aquifers”, Dynaflow, Inc. Technical
Report, National Institute of Environmental Health, 2M2022-NIEHS-1, December
- Kalumuck, K. M., Chahine, G. L., Choi, J.-K., Hsiao,
C.-T., Aley, P. D. & Frederick, G. S., “Development of a DynaJets® Cavitation
System for High Rate Disinfection of Combined Sewer Overflows,” Dynaflow ,
Inc. Phase I Technical Report 2M2020-1epa, August 2003.
- Kalumuck, K. M., Chahine, G. L., Choi, J.-K., Hsiao,
C.-T., Aley, P. D. & Frederick, G. S., “Removal of Pesticides and Other
Pollutants from Wastewater Discharge Using the DynaJets® Cavitating Jet
System,” Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 2M2008-1EPA, September 2002 .
- Kalumuck, K., Chahine, G., Aley, P. Frederick , G., “
Advanced Life Support System Water Reclamation Using Cavitating Jets – Phase
I” , Dynaflow, Inc . Tech. Rpt. 2M1004-NASA-1, 2001.
- Kalumuck, K. M., Chahine, G. L., Gumerov, N., Aley, P. D.
& Frederick, G. S., “Oxidation of Organic Compounds in Water with Cavitating
Jets, Phase II Final Report”, Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 98010nsf ,
November 2000 (NSF Phase II SBIR).
- Kalumuck, K. M., Chahine, G. L., Frederick, G. S., Aley,
P. D., Brittain, W. L. & Gumerov, N. A., “Oxidation of Organic Compounds in
Water with Cavitating Jets,” Dynaflow, Inc. Technical Report 97002-1nsf,
July 1997 (NSF Phase I SBIR).