Raymond, D. W., Grossman, J. W., Chahine, G. L., Glass, K., Black, A. and Bertagnolli, K. 2006, "Development and Testing of a PDC Bit with Passively-Pulsating Cavitating Nozzles", Proceedings Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting 2006.
Chahine, G.L., Kalumuck, K.M., Frederick, G.S., Aley, P.D., 1999, Development of High Erosivity Cavitating and Acoustically Enhanced Water Jets for Well Scale Removal" , 10th American Water Jet Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 769-784, Houston, TX.
Chahine, G.L., Kalumuck, K.M., 1998, "The Influence of Structural Deformation on Water Jet Impact Loading" ,Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 12, pp. 103- 121.
Kalumuck, K.M., Chahine, G.L., 1998, "Breaking Up is Good to Do" ,Cleaner Times, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 56- 60.
Kalumuck, K.M., Chahine, G.L., Frederick, G.S., Aley, P. D., 1997, "Development of a DynaJet Cavitating Water Jet Cleaning Tool for Underwater Marine Fouling Removal" ,Proceedings of the 9th American Water Jet Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 541- 554, Dearborn, MI.
Chahine, G.L., Kalumuck, K.M., 1997, "The Influence of Structural Deformation of Water Jet Impact Loading" ,Structure Under Extreme Loading Conditions Symposium, ASME PVP Conference, Vol. 12, pp. 103- 121, Orlando, FL.
Chahine, G.L., Kalumuck, K.M., Frederick, G.S., 1995, "The Use of Self Resonating Cavitating Water Jets for Rock Cutting" , 8th American WaterJet Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 765-778, Houston, TX.
C. Alberts, C.D. Royer, Christopher, W., Siegel, M., Kalumuck, K.M., 1994, "Multipurpose Self-Guided Robot for Surface Cleaning and Surface/NDI Quality Inspection for Use on Ships and Storage Equipment" ,ASME Technical Innovation Symposium, Pittsburg, PA.
Kalumuck, K.M., Chahine, G.L., Frederick, G.S., 1993, "The Influence of Ambient Pressure and Nozzle Shape on Submerged Water Jet Velocity and Spreading" ,7th American Water Jet Technology Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 251-262, Seattle, WA.
Kalumuck, K.M., Chahine, G.L., Frederick, G.S., 1993, "The Influence of Cavitation on Submerged Water Jet Velocity and Spreading" ,Proceedings of ASME Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Vol. 153, pp. 191-196, Washington, DC.
Chahine, G.L., Kalumuck, K.M., 1992, "Enhancing Water Jet Erosivity While Conserving Energy and Avoiding Pollution of the Environment Cleaner Times, pp.28-38.
Kalumuck, K.M., Chahine, G.L., 1990, "Cavitating Vortex Ring Formation and Dynamics" ,ASME Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Vol. 98, pp. 43-48, Toronto, Canada.
R. Kafesjian, Wieting, D.W., Ely, J. Chahine, G.L., Frederick, G.S., Watson, R.E., 1989, "Characterization of the Cavitation Potential of Pyrolytic Carbon" ,The International Symposium on Surgery for Heart Valve Disease.
Chahine, G.L., Courbière, P., 1987, "Noise and Erosion of Self Resonating Cavitating Jets" ,Journal of Fluids Engineering, December, Vol. 109 No 4, pp. 429-435.
Chahine, G.L., Kalumuck, K.M., Frederick, G.S., Watson, R., 1987, "Visualization Study of Structured Cavitating Jets" , Proceedings of the ASME Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Vol. 50, pp. 52-55, CInc.innati, OH.
Kalumuck, K.M., Chahine, G.L., Johnson, V., Frederick, G.S., Watson, R., 1986, "Cavitating Vortex Rings Produced by a Self-Resonating Structured Jet" ,Video presented at the APS Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH.
Chahine, G.L., Courbiere, P., 1986, "Noise and Erosion of Self-Resonating Cavitating Jets" ,Proceedings of the 8th Jet Cutting Technology Conf., BHRA, Paper 6, Pap. 16, pp. 167-176.
Chahine, G.L., Johnson Jr., V.E., 1985, "Mechanics and Applications of Self-Resonating Cavitating Jets" ,International Symposium on Jets & Cavities, ASME, WAM, Miami, Florida.
Conn, A.F., Chahine, G.L., 1985, "Ship Hull Cleaning With Self-Resonating Pulsed Water Jets" ,Proceedings of the 3rd U.S. water Jet Conference, Pittsburg, PA.
Chahine, G.L., Johnson Jr., V.E., Lindenmuth, W.T., Frederick, G.S., 1985, "The Use of Self-Resonating Cavitating Water Jets for Underwater Sound Generation" ,Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 77 (1), pp. 113-126.
Chahine, G.L., Genoux, F., Liu, H.L., 1984, "Flow Visualization and Numerical Simulation of Cavitating Self-Oscillating Jets" , 7th International Symposium on Jet Cutting Technology, pp. 13-32, Ottawa, Canada.
Chahine, G.L., Genoux, F., 1984, "Simulation of the Pressure Field Due to a Submerged Oscillating Jet Impacting on a Solid Wall" ,Journal of Fluid Engineering, Vol. 106, pp. 491-496.
Johnson Jr.,V.E., Chahine, G.L., Lindenmuth, W.T., Conn, A.F., Frederick, G.S.,Giacchino, G.J., 1984, "Cavitating and Structured Jets for Mechanical Bits to Increase Drilling Rate Part 1: Theory and Concepts" ,Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 106, pp. 282-288.
A.F. Conn, V.E. Johnson Jr., W.T. Lindenmuth, Frederick, G.S., Chahine, G.L., 1984, "Some Unusual Applications for Cavitating Jets" ,7th International Symposium on Jet Cutting Technology, pp. 1-12, Ottawa Canada.
Chahine, G.L., Johnson Jr., V.E., Lindenmuth, W.T., Frederick, G.S., 1984, "Noise Generated by a Self-Resonating Cavitating Jet" ,Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, pp. 26-30, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Conn, A.F., Johnson Jr., V.E., Lindenmuth, W.T., Frederick, G.S., 1984, "Some Industrial Applications of Cavijet Cavitating Fluid Jets" ,7th International Symposium on Jet Cutting technology, pp. 1-12, Ottawa, Canada.
Johnson Jr., V.E., Chahine, G.L., Lindenmuth, W.T., Frederick, G.S., 1984, "Cavitating and Structured Jets for Mechanical Bits to Increase Drilling Rate Part 2: Experimental Results" ,Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 106, pp. 289-294.
Chahine, G.L. , Conn, A.F., Johnson, V.E., Frederick, G.S., 1983, "Passively Interrupted Impulsive Water Jets" ,6th International Conference on Erosion by Liquid and Solid Impact Cambridge England.
Lindenmuth, W. T., Chahine, G.L., 1983, "Application of High Speed Photography to the Study of Coherently Structured Jets" ,3rd International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Ann Arbor Michigan.
Chahine, G.L. , Conn, A.F., Johnson, V.E., Frederick, G.S., 1983, "Cleaning and Cutting with Self-Resonating Pulsed Water Jets" ,2nd U.S. Water Jet Conference, pp. 167-176, Rolla Missouri.
Chahine, G.L., 1982, "Self-Oscillating Water Jets in Air" ,ASME Cavitation and Polyphase Flow Forum, pp. 41-45, St. Louis.
Johnson, V.E., Conn, A.F., Lindenmuth, W.T., Chahine, G.L., Frederick, G.S., 1982, "Self-Resonating Cavitating Jets" , Presented at the 6th International Symposium on Jet Cutting Technology, pp. 1-16.
V.E. Johnson Jr., Chahine, G.L., W.T. Lindenmuth, A.F. Conn, Frederick, G.S., G.J. Giacchino, 1982, "Cavitating and Structured Jets for Mechanical Bits to Increase Drilling Rate" ,The ASME Publication: 82-PET-13, pp.1-16.
V.E. Johnson, Chahine, G.L., W.T. Lindenmuth, A.F. Conn, Frederick, G.S., G.J. Giacchino, 1982, "The Development of Structured Cavitating Jets for Deep Hole Bits" ,57th Annual Fall technical Conf. & Exhibition of the society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Chahine, G.L., Courbière, C., Garnaud. P., 1979, "Correlation Between Noise and Dynamics of Cavitation Bubbles" , Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Fluid Machinery, Budapest Hungary, pp. 200-210.