Dynaflow, Inc. has actively participated in several international conferences, symposiums and expositions in the past year. Some of them include:  

ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Montreal, Canada, November 14-20, 2014

The annual ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition is the premier global conference that focuses on today's technical challenges, research updates and breakthrough innovations that are shaping the future of engineering. The Congress convenes engineers, academics, scientists and technologists of all disciplines for the purposes of exploring solutions to global challenges and for the advancement of engineering excellence worldwide.

  • Kapahi, A., Hsiao, C-T., and Chahine, G.L.""Pressure Wave Propagation in a Bubbly Medium: A Multiscale Modelling Approach", ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Montreal, Canada, November 14-20, 2014.

Royal Society Meeting,  Amazing (cavitation) bubbles: great potentials and challenges, Buckinghamshire, UK , November 4, 2014

Cavitation bubbles have the remarkable ability to focus intense energy and forces during their collapse and therefore have the capacity to erode almost any material in any fluid machine. This meeting focusses on innovative new medical uses of that intense energy. It will include cross-disciplinary reviews of major topics in the field and outline future directions and challenges.

  • Hsiao, C-T., and Chahine, G.L""Modeling Cavitation Erosion using Fluid-Material Interaction Simulations", Royal Society Meeting,  Amazing (cavitation) bubbles: great potentials and challenges, Buckinghamshire, UK , November 4, 2014

30th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, November 2-7, 2014.

The thirtieth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics will be held in Hobart, Australia, during the week of Sunday, November 2 through Friday, November 7, 2014. The Symposium is jointly organized by the U.S. Office of Naval Research and the Australian Maritime College of the University of Tasmania.

This biennial symposium promotes the technological exchange of naval hydrodynamic research developments of common interest to all the countries of the world. The forum encourages both formal and informal discussions of the presented papers and the occasion provides an opportunity for direct communication between international peers. Emphasis is placed on new developments in the general field of fluid mechanics as they relate to naval hydrodynamics. The Symposium proceedings traditionally provide archival documentation on the state-of-the-art for naval hydrodynamics.

  • Choi, J-K., Wu, X., and Chahine, G.L."Bubble Augmented Propulsion Propulsion with a Convergent-Divergent Nozzle", 30th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, November 2-7, 2014.

  • Hsiao, C-T., Ma, Jingsen, and Chahine, G.L."Multi-Scale Two-Phase Flow Modeling of Sheet and Cloud Cavitation", 30th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, November 2-7, 2014.

ASME 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and 11th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, Chicago, IL, August 3-7, 2014

This DON/AA approved event is the largest of its kind and has a clear focus on meeting Navy needs. The Navy Opportunity Forum® is designed to facilitate interaction between technology developers and members of the acquisition community, lead system integrators, and first and second tier suppliers. The opportunity to review over 200 technologies at one location is unique. This event will save attendees time and expedite the evaluation of technologies developed by the small business concerns (SBCs) funded by the Navy’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program and through the Navy’s Office of Research and Technology Applications (ORTAs).

  • Ma, J., Hsiao, C.-T., and Chahine, G.L. ""Shared-Memory Parallelization for Two-Way Coupled Euler-Lagrange Modeling of Bubbly Flows", Presented at the ASME 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and 11th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, Chicago, IL, August 3-7, 2014

18th Annual Green CHemistry and Engineering Conference, Bethesda, MD , June 6-7, 2014.

The 19th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference (GC&E), will be held July 14-16, 2015 in the Washington DC area. As the longest running green chemistry conference in the United States, GC&E invites scientists, decision-makers, students, and advocates to come together, compare findings, and discuss the science of the future. Share your research with an engaged audience of your peers from around the world; learn from scientific trailblazers who are designing more sustainable chemistries and processes; find out how green innovations are inspiring new businesses and product lines.
Dynaflow will showcase our Non-Abrasive Propeller Cleaning System at this Forum.

  • Loriane, G. and Chahine, G.L. "Recovery of bio-products from microorganisms using submerged cavitating jets (DynaJets® ) ", 18th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference, Bethesda, MD,
    June 6-7, 2014

2014 Navy Opportunity Forum, Crystal City, VA, June 2-4, 2014

This DON/AA approved event is the largest of its kind and has a clear focus on meeting Navy needs. The Navy Opportunity Forum® is designed to facilitate interaction between technology developers and members of the acquisition community, lead system integrators, and first and second tier suppliers. The opportunity to review over 200 technologies at one location is unique. This event will save attendees time and expedite the evaluation of technologies developed by the small business concerns (SBCs) funded by the Navy’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program and through the Navy’s Office of Research and Technology Applications (ORTAs).

ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, San Diego, CA, November 15-21, 2013

The annual ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition is a premier global conference that focuses on today's technical challenges, research updates and breakthrough innovations that are shaping the future of engineering. The Congress convenes engineers, scientists and technologists of all disciplines for the purposes of exploring solutions to global challenges and for the advancement of engineering excellence worldwide.

  • J. Ma, C-T. Hsiao and G.L. Chahine, Euler-Lagrange Simulations of Bubble Cloud Dynamics near a Wall, ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, San Diego, CA, November 15-21, 2013

    ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, San Diego, CA, November 15-21, 2013

    The annual ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition is a premier global conference that focuses on today's technical challenges, research updates and breakthrough innovations that are shaping the future of engineering. The Congress convenes engineers, scientists and technologists of all disciplines for the purposes of exploring solutions to global challenges and for the advancement of engineering excellence worldwide.

    • J. Ma, C-T. Hsiao and G.L. Chahine, Euler-Lagrange Simulations of Bubble Cloud Dynamics near a Wall, ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, San Diego, CA, November 15-21, 2013

    American Society for Gravitational and Space Research Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL, November 3-6,2013

    ASGSR (formerly known as the American Society or Gravitational and Space Biology or ASGSB) was founded in 1984 to foster research, education and professional development in the multi-disciplinary field of gravitational research. ASGSR brings together a diverse group of scientists and engineers to encourage an exchange of ideas bridging basic and applied biological and physical science research and technology in space and gravitational sciences. The members represent academia, government and industry interests bonded by a common issue - how living organisms and physical systems respond to gravity. ASGSR is committed to training the next generation of scientists and engineers.

    • X. Wu, G. Loraine, J. Ma, C-T. Hsiao and G.L. Chahine, Performance Studies of a DynaSwirl® Phase Separator for Space Applications, American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL, November 3-6,2013

14th BeTeq International Conference on Boundary Element and Meshless Techniques, Paris, France, July 16-18, 2013

The conference series has the support of the leading experts in the field of Boundary Element Methods and has rapidly become a leading computational mechanics forum for presentation of latest research in the field.

  • C-T. Hsiao and G.L. Chahine, Development of Compressible-Incompressible Link to Efficiently Model Bubble Dynamics near Floating Body, 14th BeTeq International Conference on Boundary Element and Meshless Techniques, Paris, France, July 16-18, 2012

APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 18-22, 2013

APS annual meetings are attended by thousands of physicists, scientists, and journalists from around the world. They offer valuable opportunities for presenting research, sharing insights, and networking, as well as related workshops and activities for scientific discussion, professional development, improving education, and science advocacy.

  • Choi, J.-K., Hsiao, C.-T. and Chahine, G.L. "Bubble Augmented Propulsor Mixture Flow Simulation near Choked Flow Condition", APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 18-22, 2013.

  • Jayaprakash, A., Fourmeau, T., Hsiao, C.-T. and Chahine, G.L. "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Pressure Wave Attenuation due to Bubbly Layers", APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 18-22, 2013.

  • Ma, J., Hsiao, C.-T. and Chahine, G.L. "Multiscale Modeling of Cavitating Bubbly Flows", APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 18-22, 2013.

ASGSR 2012, New Orleans, LA, November 28 - December 2, 2012

ASGSR (formerly known as the American Society or Gravitational and Space Biology or ASGSB) was founded in 1984 to foster research, education and professional development in the multi-disciplinary field of gravitational research. ASGSR brings together a diverse group of scientists and engineers to encourage an exchange of ideas bridging basic and applied biological and physical science research and technology in space and gravitational sciences. The members represent academia, government and industry interests bonded by a common issue - how living organisms and physical systems respond to gravity. ASGSR is committed to training the next generation of scientists and engineers.

  • Wu, X., Loraine, G. and Chahine, G.L., "Reduced Gravity Tests of a DynaSwirl® Phase Separator for Space Applications", ASGSR, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 28-Dec 2, 2012.

APS DFD Conference 2012, San Diego, CA (UCSD) November 18-20, 2012

The first annual meeting of the DFD was hosted by the Naval Ordnance Laboratory in White Oak, MD in 1948. Since then, the DFD annual meeting has grown into one of the largest conferences in fluid dynamics, with 2800 attendees from all over the world expected in San Diego. The objective is to promote the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in all areas of fluid dynamics.

  • J. Ma, C-T. Hsiao and G.L. Chahine, Bubble Dynamics in Bubbly Medium , APS DFD Conference 2012, San Diego, CA (UCSD)November 18-20, 2012

83rd Shock & Vibration Symposium, New Orleans, LA, November 4-8, 2012

The annual Shock and Vibration Symposium is the leading forum for the structural dynamics and vibration community to present and discuss new developments and on-going research. The Symposium was established in 1947 and typically includes both unclassified (unlimited and limited distribution) and classified sessions. Topics covered at the symposium include shock-ship testing, water shock, weapons effects (air blast, ground shock, cratering, penetration) shock physics, earthquake engineering, structural dynamics, and shock and vibration instrumentation and experiment techniques. Over 200 technical papers are typically presented. Panel discussions address topics such as new software developments or accelerometer isolation problems. Tutorials provide up-to-date technology overviews by leading specialists.

  • G.L. Chahine and C-T. Hsiao, Accurate & Efficient Physics‐Based Software to Model Air Guns, 83rd Shock & Vibration Symposium, New Orleans, LA, November 4-8, 2012

  • G.L. Chahine and C-T. Hsiao, Dynamic Response of a Composite Propeller Blade Subjected to Shock & Bubble Pressure Loading, 83rd Shock & Vibration Symposium, New Orleans, LA, November 4-8, 2012

  • A. Jayaprakash, S. Singh, C-T. Hsiao and G.L. Chahine, "Effect of a Bubbly Layer on an Incoming Pressure Wave, 83rd Shock & Vibration Symposium, New Orleans, LA, November 4-8, 2012

ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Houston, TX, November 9-15, 2012

The annual ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition is a premier global conference that focuses on today's technical challenges, research updates and breakthrough innovations that are shaping the future of engineering. The Congress convenes engineers, scientists and technologists of all disciplines for the purposes of exploring solutions to global challenges and for the advancement of engineering excellence worldwide.

  • S. Singh, T. Fourmeau, J-K. Choi and G.L. Chahine Thrust Enhancement through bubble injection into an expanding-contracting-nozzle with a throat, ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Houston, TX, November 9-15, 2012

AIAA Region 1 Young Professionals, Students and Education (YPSE) Conference 2012, November 2, 2012

The Mid-Atlantic Section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is organizing AIAA Region I YPSE-12, to be held Friday, November 2, 2012, at the Kossiakoff Center at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab in Laurel, Maryland. Presentations, in any area of interest to the aerospace community, by Young Professionals (aged 35 and under), Graduate, Undergraduate and High School Students are sought. Parallel sessions will be held for Technical Presentations; a separate track of parallel sessions will be held for Student Presentations.

  • A. Jayaprakash Numerical Simulation of Bubble Flow Interactions, AIAA Region 1 Young Professionals, Students and Education (YPSE) Conference 2012, November 2, 2012

  • T. Fourmeau and S. Singh Response of a bubble cloud to acoustic pressure variations, AIAA Region 1 Young Professionals, Students and Education (YPSE) Conference 2012, November 2, 2012

  • S. Singh Interactive Educational Tool for Simulation and Visualization of Fluid Flows, AIAA Region 1 Young Professionals, Students and Education (YPSE) Conference 2012, November 2, 2012

29th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 26-31, 2012

This biennial symposium promotes the technological exchange of naval research developments of common interest to all the countries of the world. The forum encourages both formal and informal discussions of the presented papers and the occasion provides an opportunity for direct communication between international peers. Emphasis is placed on new developments in the general field of fluid mechanics as they relate to naval hydrodynamics. The Symposium proceedings traditionally provide archival documentation on the state-of-the-art for naval hydrodynamics.

  • C-T. Hsiao, X. Wu, J. Ma and G.L. Chahine, Numerical and Experimental Study of Bubble Entrainment due toa Horizontal Plunging Jet, 29th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 26-31, 2012

  • G.L. Chahine, C-T. Hsiao, X. Wu, Q. Zhang, and J. Ma, Vortex Cavitation Inception Delay by Local Polymer Injection, 29th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 26-31, 2012

  • X. Wu, S. Singh, J-K. Choi and G.L. Chahine, Water Thrust Augmentation using High Void Fraction Air Injection, 29th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 26-31, 2012

16th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, June 19, 2012

Green Chemistry and Engineering is the production of chemicals and chemical processing that use less energy, use renewable materials, produce fewer pollutants, and are more sustainable. The original concept was to reduce pollution by changing chemical production practices. In pursuing these goals it was found that significant cost savings in energy and materials could achieved, so the field has grown rapidly. Dr. Greg Loraine presented a poster on the applications of the DYNAJETS® for production of renewable fuels.

  • G. Loraine, G.L. Chahine, A. Jayaprakash, Production of Renewable Fuels using DynaJets® Cavitating Jets 16th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, June 19, 2012

International Conference on Numerical Methods in Multiphase Flows, Philadelphia, PA , June 12-14, 2012

Our Scientists attended the 2012 International Conference on Numerical Methods in Multiphase Flows held at Penn State University. This conference had about 100 presentations distributed into 20 sessions, with about 120-150 attendees. The conference is very focused on topics in multiphase fields, such as bubble dynamics, free surface flows, particle suspensions, cavitation etc.

  • J. Ma, S. Singh, C-T. Hsiao, J-K. Choi, G.L. Chahine, T. Fourmeau, Spherical Bubble Dynamics in a Bubbly Medium International Conference on Numerical Methods in Multiscale Flows, Philadelphia, PA , June 12-14, 2012

  • C-T. Hsiao, J. Ma, G.L. Chahine, Numerical Modeling of Bubble Entrainment due to a Horizontal Plunging Jet International Conference on Numerical Methods in Multiscale Flows, Philadelphia, PA , June 12-14, 2012

50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - January 9-12, 2012 - Nashville, TN

The broad spectrum of the aerospace community meets at ASM. From senior leaders sharing their perspectives about the industry to students sharing their research projects. From exhibitors displaying their products and programs to engineers learning how to teach and inspire kids about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. From the AIAA Board of Directors discussing the health and future of the Institute to continuing education instructors sharing their expertise in areas to help further your career. From awardees being honored for their achievements and contributions to the industry to technical committee members who meet to advance their projects and activities.

  • X. Wu and G.L. Chahine, Development of a DynaSwirl® Phase Separator for Space Applications  50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - Nashville, TN, January 9-12, 2012

13th Annual NIH SBIR/STTR Conference - June 22-23, 2011 - Bethesda, MD

On June 22-23, 2011, the SBIR/ STTR Conference: Translating Medical Discoveries into Health Products will return to the NIH Campus. Over 600 health and science managers, entrepreneurs, small business researchers, university researchers, and consulting organizations came together on the NIH campus to explore the many nuances of the NIH SBIR/STTR program. A poster was presented on Therapeutic Ultrasound Contrast Agent Modeling ..

  • C.-T. Hsaio, Therapeutic Ultrasound Contrast Agent Modeling, NIH SBIR/STTR Conference - Bethesda, MD. June 22-23, 2011

American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exhibition – 11, June 12-16, 2011 Washington, DC

This is one of the largest water and wastewater utility related conferences in the world with over 11,000 participants. A poster was presented in the Research Division and Universities Forum session on oxidation and disinfection in water using the DynaJets®.

  • G. Loraine, G. Chahine, J.-K. Choi, C.-T. Hsaio, Disinfection of wastewater and Oxidation of Trace Organic Compounds in Wastewater using Submerged Hydrodynamic Cavitating Jets (DynaJets®) , American Water Works Association, ACE11, Washington, DC, June 12-16, 2011.

ASME 2010 - International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition (IMECE), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, November 12-18, 2010

ASME's (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) IMECE 2010 was a wonderful platform for Dynaflow to showcase some of its unique capabilities. Dynaflow had a dedicated company information booth at the exposition floor. Additionally, researchers from Dynaflow presented the following papers at the conference:

  • A. Jayaprakash, G. L. Chahine and C-T, Hsiao, “Numerical and Experimental Study of the Interaction of a Spark-Generated Bubble and a Vertical Wall”, IMECE2010-40515, ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 10-12,2010.

  • A. Jayaprakash, S. Singh and G. L. Chahine, “Bubble Dynamics in a Two-Phase Bubbly Mixture”, IMECE2010-40509, ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 10-12,2010.

  • R. Raju, S. Singh, C.-T. Hsiao and G. L. Chahine, “Study of Strong Pressure Wave Propagation in a Two-Phase Bubbly Mixture”, IMECE2010-40525, ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 10-12,2010.

  • S. Singh, J-K Choi and G. L. Chahine, “Optimum Configuration of an Expanding-Contracting-Nozzle for Thrust Enhancement by Bubble Injection”, IMECE2010-40526, ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 10-12,2010.

The  Dynaflow Booth - IMECE 2010

16th  International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air and Soil, San Diego California, November 15-18, 2010 

This was a good conference that exhibited the range of research that is going on in this field. An invited paper was presented at this international conference on the applications of free radical chemistry to many environmental remediation problems:

  • G. Loraine, G. Chahine, J.K. Choi, and C.T. Hsiao, “Application of Submerged Hydrodynamic Cavitating Jets (DynaJets®) for Oxidation of Trace Organic Micropollutants”, 16th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air, and Soil, San Diego, CA, Nov. 15-18, 2010.

9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD), Shanghai, China - October 11 - 16, 2010              

There were more than two hundred participants from 23 countries and regions in this conference –it was also the first time that Dynaflow participated in ICHD. More than 160 papers were presented in this conference, covering the following topics: (1) theoretical hydrodynamics, (2) computational fluid dynamics, (3) experiments and measurements in hydrodynamics, (4) industrial hydrodynamics, (5) naval hydrodynamics, ocean engineering and coastal engineering, (6) environmental hydrodynamics, (7) hydraulic engineering and water Conservancy, and (8) cavitation and multi-phase flow. We presented the following paper in the conference: 

  • X. Wu and G.L. Chahine, “Development of an Acoustic Instrument for Bubble Size Distribution Measurement”, 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics, October 11-15, 2010, Shanghai, China.  

28th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Pasadena, CA September 12-17, 2010        

Dynaflow usually participates in this biennial symposium, which is sponsored by Office of Naval Research (ONR) and promotes the technological exchange of naval research developments of common interest to all the countries of the world. The Symposium proceedings traditionally provide archival documentation on the state-of-the-art for naval hydrodynamics. We have presented following three papers in the symposium:

  • C.-T. Hsiao, Q. Zhang, X. Wu, G.L. Chahine, “Effects of Polymer Injection on Vortex Cavitation Inception”, 28th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Pasadena, California, September 12-17, 2010.

  • J.-K. Choi, G. L. Chahine, “Numerical Study on the Behavior of Air Layers Used for Drag Reduction”, 28th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Pasadena, California, September 12-17, 2010.

  • X. Wu, J.-K. Choi, C.-T. Hsiao, G.L. Chahine, “Bubble Augmented Waterjet Propulsion: Numerical and Experimental Studies”, 28th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Pasadena, California, September 12-17, 2010.

81st SAVIAC (Shock And Vibration Information Analysis Center) Symposium, Orlando, FL, October 26-27, 2010         

The annual Shock and Vibration Symposium is the leading forum for the structural dynamics and vibration community to present and discuss new developments and on-going research. The Symposium was established in 1947 and includes both classified and unclassified sessions. Topics covered at the symposium include shock-ship testing, water shock, weapons effects (air blast, ground shock, cratering, penetration) shock physics, earthquake engineering, structural dynamics, and shock and vibration instrumentation and experiment techniques. Dynaflow has regularly participated in SAVIAC’s annual meetings and presented its research work in under water explosions and fluid structure interactions. In the 81st  Symposium, we presented the following four talks:

  • Chahine, G.L., “Spark Generated Bubbles for UNDEX Scaling”, SAVIAC 81st Symposium, Orlando, FL, October 26-27, 2010      

  •  Chahine, G.L., “Engineering Rules for Bubble Jet/Dam Interaction”, SAVIAC 81st Symposium, Orlando, FL, October 26-27, 2010      

  •  Hsiao, C.-T., “Incompressible-Compressible Link to Accurate Predict Wall Pressures Due to Bubble Collapse and Jetting”, SAVIAC 81st Symposium, Orlando, FL, October 26-27, 2010      

  •  Hsiao, C.-T., “Air Gun Source Model Using 3Dyanfs-PhantomCloud”, SAVIAC 81st Symposium, Orlando, FL, October 26-27, 2010       

International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU) Conference, Tokyo, Japan, June 8 - 13, 2010              

Dynaflow has started to participate in the annual meeting of The International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU) since 2010 in order to present its recent research and development in this area. The ISTU is a non-profit organization founded in 2001 to increase and diffuse knowledge of therapeutic ultrasound to the scientific and medical community, and to facilitate the translation of therapeutic ultrasound techniques into the clinical arena for the benefit of patients worldwide. At this conference, we presented our recent work on the development of a numerical model for therapeutic contrast agent sponsored by NIH SBIR program:

  • Hsiao, C.-T., Zhang, Q. and Chahine, G.L., “Numerical Modeling of Non-Spherical Response of Therapeutic Encapsulated Microbubble to Ultrasound”, 10th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound, Tokyo, Japan, June 9-12, 2010.