Focus on Software
The descriptions of the new products listed in
this section are based on information supplied to us by the
manufacturers. Physics Today can assume no responsibility for their
accuracy. To facilitate inquiries about a particular product, a
Reader Service Card is attached inside the back cover of the
Lawrence G. Rubin
Ray-Tracing Program Lambda Research Corp has
announced release 3.2 of TracePro, a 3D virtual prototyping system
to facilitate the design and analysis of most illumination and
optical systems. Among the features of release 3.2 are an updated
irradiance viewer, integrated healing husk, reverse ray tracing,
scheme editor, and enhanced graphics. The irradiance viewer is ideal
for creating design variations and saving the
irradiance/illumination results to text files. The healing husk
enables the user to simplify, stitch, and fix poor geometry in an
imported CAD-translated file. The reverse ray-tracing feature
improves sampling by sending rays from a target instead of forward
from a source. TracePro V 3.2.1 addresses and fixes user-identified
issues in V 3.2. Lambda Research Corp, 80 Taylor Street, P.O. Box
1400, Littleton, MA 01460-4400,
Circle number 181 on Reader Service Card
Measurement Software Toolkit Keithley
Instruments has developed a Nanotech Toolkit, a set of measurement
software tools designed for various tests common to nanotechnology
researchers. The Toolkit, compatible with the company's model
4200-SCS Semiconductor Characterization System, is designed to
shortcut many measurement tasks by providing common routines
typically used in testing nanotech devices. Included in the Nanotech
Toolkit are icons that represent the 4200-SCS measurement routines
for testing devices such as a carbon nanotube-based transistor, a
bio-component, a molecular transistor, a molecular wire, a nanowire,
and a nanocell. For example, there are tests that plot the
current-voltage curves of nanodevices or that make differential
conductance measurements on high- or low-resistance nanowires.
Keithley Instruments Inc, 28775 Aurora Road, Cleveland, OH
Circle number 182 on Reader Service Card
Electrical Impedance Tomography
Dynaflow, Inc has
introduced DynaEIT, a suite of algorithms for solution of inverse
and forward electrical impedance tomography problems. In EIT, the
distribution of conductivity inside a container is sought by
applying specified currents (or voltages) to a portion of the
container surface and measuring the voltages (or currents) at other
locations along the surface; those measurements lead to the
conductivity distribution inside the domain. Different types of
materials have different conductivities, which results in a
conductivity map that provides either a two- or three-dimensional
image of the material distribution inside the container (see photo).
CPU-efficient algorithms were developed for dipole approximation and
singular boundary-element methods. Dynaflow Inc, 10621-J Iron
Bridge Road, Jessup, MD 20794,
Circle number 183 on Reader Service Card
Bibliographic Software Thomson ISI ResearchSoft
has released Reference Manager 11, a major upgrade to the company's
Reference Manager, bibliographic software that streamlines research,
writing, and publishing for researchers. Version 11 enables users to
publish up to 15 Reference Manager databases to the Web or to an
intranet in seconds using the new Web publishing tool. The new
subject bibliography feature allows users to create a bibliography
with topic headings, and thus provides an easy way to update their
curricula vitae and reading lists. Other innovations include
the capturing of references directly from a colleague's paper with
the export traveling library feature and locating full text faster
by connecting to an institution's online resources using OpenURL
standards. Reference Manager 11 is designed for Microsoft Windows
2000 and XP. Thomson ISI ResearchSoft, 2141 Palomar Airport Road,
Suite 350, Carlsbad, CA 92009,
Circle number 184 on Reader Service Card
Graphing and Analysis Software Origin 7.5 from
OriginLab Corporation is the latest version of the company's
software, known for its extensive scientific graphing and analysis
capabilities. Many new features have been added in version 7.5. An
import wizard visually provides step-by-step assistance to import
data from ASCII and binary files. More than 60 basic plot types
allow quick creation of 2D, 3D, contour, and image graphs. The look
of any graph can be changed by applying graph themes. Intuitive
analysis tools offer statistics, curve fitting, signal processing,
and peak analysis. OriginPro contains all of the features of
Origin, plus additional tools such as a peak fitting module,
COM client support for building custom reports to be sent to a
user's favorite reporting software, and Dialog Builder to create a
user's own interfaces. OriginLab Corp, One Roundhouse Plaza,
Northampton, MA 01060,
Circle number 185 on Reader Service Card
Add-On Software
Instruments (NI) has announced LabVIEW 7.1 add-on software, a
significant upgrade to the family of LabVIEW graphical development
products. The new software extends NI's Express technology,
introduced earlier, to automated instrumentation and real-time
applications. There are five new Express VIs (virtual instruments)
for NI modular instruments. The Express VIs enable users to quickly
generate and modify analog and digital stimulus signals for NI PXI-
and PCI-based digitizers, signal generators, and high-speed digital
I/O. The 7.1 Real-Time module provides NI-DAQmx support for
multiboard synchronization, on-time feedback, and rapid
implementation of hardware-timed loops. It also offers enhanced
debugging tools for real-time applications. National Instruments,
11500 North Mopac, Austin, TX 78759-3504,
Circle number 186 on Reader Service Card
Desktop Tools Maplesoft's Maple 9.5 expands the
type and complexity of problems that a user needs to solve. New
features include numeric methods for solutions to optimization
problems, solvers for differential-algebraic equation systems and
for linear, quadratic, and nonlinear programs, and solvers for
linear and nonlinear least-square problems. To manage technical
knowledge, Maple 9.5 provides an integrated dictionary of
engineering and mathematical terms for instant access to reference
information and enhancements to interactive plotting. There are
innovative features for education, such as a new student
multivariate package including computational routines,
topic-specific visualization, and better support of the company's
MapleNet and Maple T.A. e-learning solutions. Maplesoft, 615
Kumpf Drive, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1K8,
Circle number 187 on Reader Service Card
Software for Spectral Analysis Prism
Computational Sciences has released PrismSPECT, a
collisional-radiation spectral analysis code designed to stimulate
the atomic and radiative properties of laboratory and astrophysical
plasmas. For a grid of user-specified plasma conditions, PrismSPECT
computes spectral properties (emission and absorption) and
ionization properties for LTE (local thermodynamic equilibrium) and
non-LTE plasmas. The program supports computation of results for a
2D grid of any two of the variables temperature, density, plasma
size, composition, external radiation field, and non-Maxwellian
electron distribution parameters. PrismSPECT is generally
distributed with a set of atomic data for elements from hydrogen
through argon (Z = 1 to 18), but data for other elements can be
obtained from Prism. Prism Computational Sciences Inc, 455
Science Drive, Suite 140, Madison, WI 53711,
Circle number 188 on Reader Service Card
Noncontact Inspection Systems
AScan software
version 3.0 from Cyber Technologies USA provides fast, automatic
measurement capability for the company's Vantage or CT300
high-resolution laser-based noncontact inspection systems. The
software tool scans and measures 2D profiles and 3D raster data from
dispensed adhesive dots (see photo), thick film circuits, solder
paste deposits, gaskets, and tiny electronic components. Inspection
tasks can be completely automated and results can be stored for
further analysis or sent to an existing database. The CyberScan
Vantage and CT300 systems combine digital sensor technology with
x- and y- translation stages for scanning target
objects; the systems incorporate laser sensors and
computer-controlled motion. Cyber Technologies USA, 808 Commerce
Park Drive, Ogdensburg, NY 13669,
Circle number 189 on Reader Service Card
Software for FTIR Functions Shimadzu Scientific
Instruments' IRsolution software provides 32-bit control for the
company's IRPrestige-21 and FTIR-8400S spectrometers. The new
software enables operations for FTIR analysis that include spectrum
measurement, data display and comparison to other spectra, data
processing, and report generation. IRsolution allows the creation of
user libraries from acquired spectra and spectral searching of user
and commercial libraries. During measurement, a real-time spectrum
is displayed on the screen along with hardware settings such as
selection of light source, beam-splitter, detector, and accessories.
Functions include peak detection, difference spectrum calculation,
and Kubelka-Munk conversion. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc,
7102 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, MD 21046,
Circle number 190 on Reader Service Card
Software for Data Collection TAL Technologies
has announced WinWedge Pro V. 3.1.4, which collects serial data from
any laboratory instrument or device directly into Excel, Access,
LIMS, and other Microsoft Windows applications. The software will
support any serial data including ASCII, binary, hexadecimal, and
octal, and provides support for up to 99 communication ports
simultaneously. The 32-bit program supports all 32-bit features,
such as preemptive multitasking and long file names, and is said to
be more than 30% faster than 16-bit versions. WinWedge Pro 3.1.4
offers sophisticated data parsing, filtering, and formatting of any
type or structure of data and includes 30 math and string functions,
such as scaling, conversions, arithmetic, and logical operators.
TAL Technologies Inc, 2101 Brandywine Street, Suite 102,
Philadelphia, PA 19130,
Circle number 191 on Reader Service Card
Mechanism Design and Analysis SoftIntegration
Inc has developed Ch Mechanism Toolkit 1.0 that contains many
mechanism classes and objects for design and analysis. It can handle
four-bar, five-bar, and six-bar linkages, crank-slider mechanisms,
and cam-follower systems. Ch is a C/C++ interpreter for scripting,
shell programming, and numerical computing. Ch Mechanism Toolkit can
perform position, velocity, and acceleration analysis for joint
angles and coupler points, synthesis of mechanisms, and dynamic
analysis based on equations of motion. The Toolkit provides many
plotting functions to allow output to be visually displayed or
exported as external files. Programs written in the Ch Mechanism
Toolkit can work seamlessly with existing C/C++ programs and
libraries. SoftIntegration Inc, 216 F Street #68, Davis, CA
Circle number 192 on Reader Service Card
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